Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

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Start date: 4 January 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Number of projects: 16
Total budget: 62 648 806,47 €
EU contribution: 52 105 294,12 €
Website: n/a
Country: European Commission Flag
Explore more: n/a
ERDF: 48 453 173,34 €
ESF: 3 652 120,78 €

1 - 15 of 16
PROJECTTOTAL BUDGETEU CONTRIBUTIONFUNDImproving urban public transport through the purchase of clean vehicles, building the necessary infrastructure for transport, modernisation and rehabilitation of road infrastructure on the corridors served by public transport in Targovişte 23 613 074,16 € 20 071 113,04 € ERDF Completion of the Auto Park of Targoviste by purchasing green vehicles for urban public transport 7 213 911,20 € 6 131 824,80 € ERDF Improvement of the educational infrastructure by extending, rehabilitation, modernisation and equipping of the “Matei Basarab” Gymnasium School in Targovişte, Dâmbovița County 4 439 765,17 € 3 773 800,39 € ERDF Energy efficiency of the public lighting system in Targovişte 4 267 268,40 € 3 627 178,00 € ERDF Improvement of the educational infrastructure by extending, rehabilitation, modernisation and equipping of the “Tudor Vladimirescu” Gymnasium School in Târgovişte, Dâmbovița County 4 115 774,60 € 3 498 408,40 € ERDF Improvement of the educational infrastructure by extending, rehabilitation, modernisation and equipping of the “Mihai Viteazul” Gymnasium School in Târgovişte, Dâmbovița County 3 547 848,68 € 3 015 671,38 € ERDF EU-SPER – integrated development of the marginalised community “Romlux” 3 442 776,40 € 2 914 795,60 € ESF Reconversion and re-functionalisation of the land in the vicinity of the Turistic Natation Complex Targoviste by creating recreation facilities – Stage I 2 643 200,78 € 2 246 720,67 € ERDF Energy efficiency through the rehabilitation and consolidation of residential buildings in Targovişte – Package I.2 2 665 773,80 € 1 359 544,60 € ERDF Improvement of the educational infrastructure through rehabilitation, modernisation, extension and equipping of the “Sun” Garden in Târgovişte, Dâmbovița County 1 588 236,70 € 1 350 001,20 € ERDF Strengthening the administrative capacity of ATU Targoviste to manage the emergency situation caused by the Covid-19 crisis by equipping the pre-university education units in the municipality with medical equipment and devices 1 299 074,33 € 1 299 074,33 € ERDF Setting up public leisure park and loisir UM Train Station 1 416 144,30 € 1 203 722,70 € ERDF Integration and development services for the digitisation of the activity of Targoviste City Hall 784 524,60 € 666 845,90 € ESF Energy efficiency through the rehabilitation and consolidation of residential buildings in Targovişte – Package I.1 1 244 486,00 € 634 687,85 € ERDF Skatepark in Târgovişte – Adiacent of Chindia Park 284 030,55 € 241 425,98 € ERDF