The general objective of the project is to make investments in school infrastructure by expanding, rehabilitating, modernising and equipping the “Tudor Vladimirescu” Gymnasium School in Targoviste, county. Dambovita, thus contributing to increasing the access, quality and attractiveness of education, as well as to increasing the attractiveness of the educational system of Targoviste municipality within the local and regional territorial system. By the nature of the general objective, the investment targeted by the project foresees measures to achieve an adequate and appropriate infrastructure for educational cycles, essential infrastructure for education, early development of children, for building social skills and social integration capacity, within the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020. The project contributes to the objectives of Priority Axis 10 Improvement of Education Infrastructure, Investment Priority 10.1, Investments in Education, and Training, including in vocational training, for acquiring skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructures, Specific Objective 10.1 Increasing participation in early education and compulsory education, especially for children at increased risk of early leaving the system, as follows: — it contributes to increasing the level of participation in early education and compulsory education, especially for children at increased risk of early leaving the system – includes construction, rehabilitation, modernisation, expansion and equipping of the educational infrastructure for compulsory general education – helps to reduce early school leaving among primary and secondary school pupils – contributes to achieving the conditions for quality education