Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 March 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 2 665 773,80 €
EU contribution: 1 359 544,60 € (51%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale, Administrației Publice si Fondurilor Europene

Energy efficiency through the rehabilitation and consolidation of residential buildings in Targovişte – Package I.2

The general objective of the project is to increase energy efficiency, smart energy management and use of renewable energy in residential buildings in Târgovişte municipality, after completion of the works The general objective of the project was established in order to solve the problems and needs identified at the level of Târgoviște ATU in terms of energy efficiency. As reflected in the strategic documents at local level and in particular in the 2015 DAP, the energy consumption of all public and residential buildings in the municipality of Târgoviște stands at 688.787 MWh/year. The emissions of electricity consumption related to energy consumption are at 24.693 tCOά/year and for natural gas consumption at 248.556 tCOά/year, the total emissions being 273.519 tCO2/year. (EDAP, p. 3-15) At European level, buildings account for 40 % of total energy consumption and are the largest source of CO2 emissions. Targoviste Local Council has an integrated approach to reducing CO2 emissions, simultaneously addressing the areas of urban mobility and the reduction of CO2 emissions resulting from this process, the energy efficiency of buildings (residential in this project) and integrated development from all perspectives of economic and social life. The Targoviste City Council has proposed to meet the targets proposed by the European Union for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 20 % compared to the emissions generated in the administrative territory in the 1990 base year. For this, a number of measures linked at strategic level have been set out in the adopted documents to be presented under the related section. This project is part of grassroots initiatives and aims to support energy efficiency by making specific investments for thermal rehability of residential buildings, smart energy management and the use of renewable energy. This financing application is also part of a package of measures providing for the energy efficiency of residential buildings in the municipality of Targoviște, a broader initiative comprising 14 blocks of dwellings, 8 of which are part of this application for funding under the title “Energy efficiency through the rehabilitation and consolidation of residential buildings in the Municipality of Targoviște – Package I.2” and 6 blocks of the financing application “Energy efficiency through the rehabilitation and consolidation of residential buildings in Targoviște Municipality – Package I.1” which is submitted under this call for projects. These projects will ensure the estimated annual reduction of greenhouse gases (tonnes of CO2), an increase in the number of households with a better classification of energy consumption. Through its general objective, the project will contribute to the

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