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project info
Start date: 1 April 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 1 588 236,70 €
EU contribution: 1 350 001,20 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale, Administrației Publice si Fondurilor Europene

Improvement of the educational infrastructure through rehabilitation, modernisation, extension and equipping of the “Sun” Garden in Târgovişte, Dâmbovița County

The general objective of the project is to increase the quality of the educational infrastructure in order to ensure the increased access of children from Targoviste to early education by modernising and expanding the preschool educational infrastructure related to the Extended Program “Sun Ray” Garden in Targoviste. The improvement of the educational infrastructure will be achieved by rehabilitation, modernisation, extension and equipping the Garden with the “Sun Ray” Programme, in order to ensure increased access for children from Targoviste to quality early education, ensuring an educational process at European standards, adequate and efficient, designed to meet the new requirements of the society, as well as to ensure the urban regeneration of the reference area. Kindergarten works with 14 preschool groups with 345 children, 196 girls and 149 boys, organised as follows: 5 small groups with 109 preschools, 4 medium groups with 104 preschools and 5 large groups with 132 preschools in building blocks C1 and C2. Each group room is equipped with a space that serves both the filter locker and the dining room function. There are at the level of each unit bathrooms but are equipped with an insufficient number of sanitary items. The food preparation space and all the related annexes need to be reorganised and properly equipped because they are no longer efficient, require reorganisation of the area in order to comply with the criteria imposed by the norms in force at the moment and the interior and exterior finishes show damage and no longer correspond to the current needs. The project aims to refurbish the two existing buildings, body C1 and body C2 with kindergarten function (including the restoration – in a variant that corresponds to the needs of users – to annex spaces executed without seismic purpose), with a Sc area of 1155.5 sqm C1, and 380 sqm C2 and Sopened with 2213,4C1+ 410 sqm C2 (without technical basement) and the realisation of an extension with a C3 body alipit body C2, height regime Parter+E, Sc = 275,00 sqm, Sd 444.00 sq.m. The extension is a necessary complement to the functionality of the existing building, it will act as a multifunctional hall for sports activities and cultural manifolds, especially the celebrations and other events. At the moment, the physical education classes take place in the existing group halls, and the celebrations take place both in the group halls and in the halls of other units rented specifically for this purpose. Also, 30.00 sqm wooden gazebo will be made, playgrounds with synthetic surface of 398.10 sqm, synthetic alleys 207.00 sqm, paved pedestrian alleys 428.40 sqm, roadways and parking = 509.00 sqm, building guard sidewalks = 390.00 sqm, landscaped green spaces = 1670.00 sqm

Flag of Romania  Prahova, Romania