Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 19 October 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 4 439 765,17 €
EU contribution: 3 773 800,39 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale, Administrației Publice si Fondurilor Europene

Improvement of the educational infrastructure by extending, rehabilitation, modernisation and equipping of the “Matei Basarab” Gymnasium School in Targovişte, Dâmbovița County

The general objective of the project is to increase the level of participation in education in compulsory education through investments in improving the educational infrastructure and transforming the secondary school NR. 13"MATEI BASARAB, from Targoviste, Jud. Dambovita in an attractive educational establishment for primary and secondary school students. The purpose of the project is in line with the specific objective of Priority Axis 10.1 Increasing the degree of participation in early education and compulsory education, especially for children at increased risk of early leaving the system because the investment objective, School no. 13, is overcrowded, children are forced to learn in two exchanges, each year the transfer of some children from rural areas is refused, 2 classrooms have been transformed into the gym, one in the library and the physics-chemistry and biology and computer laboratories do not have sufficient spaces and adequate equipment, with effect on the quality of the educational act. — the investment aims to expand the existing infrastructure in order to create laboratories (physicals – chemistry, biology) and cabinets (informatics, foreign languages), spaces necessary for the realisation of a modern and quality education, which ensure the prerequisites of discovering and developing children’s skills, basic condition for professional guidance in a field that allows to maximise the potential of students and with positive effects in the economic and social environment. It is ensured to increase the attractiveness of the educational act and the premise of decreasing the number of students leaving school early, with positive effects on vocational and third-party education. The school is overcrowded, the 655 students learn in two shifts, thus 3 preparatory classes 83 children, 13 primary school classes (323 students), 1 one secondary education (249 students). Of these, 12 classes in the primary education are overcrowded – have more than 20 children (6 classes have at least 30 students); a number of 3 classes have over 25 students in the secondary education system. By extending the existing body with the new Gf+ 2E building, sufficient spaces are ensured, including to ensure learning for the 31 children with CES (special educational requirements), so their integration is ensured, compliance with the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination. the investment aims to expand the infrastructure in the sense of building a gym, investment that allows the harmonious development of students, which together with the new medical practice have positive effects on the state of physical and mental health, with beneficial effects on the completion of the mandatory education period. Currently, the sporting activity takes place in two classrooms, the space being insufficient to carry out this activity. —the investment involves building a hall for the after-Schoo program

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