The general objective of the project is to promote social inclusion, combat poverty and any discrimination (Thematic Objective 9) by supporting, by the created partnership, activities oriented towards the socio-economic integration of 570 people from the marginalised community (investment priority 9.ii) in Targoviste in a period of 36 months. The activities that support the achievement of this objective are carried out through interventions in relevant social fields such as: education, employment, social and socio-medical services, housing and informing community members about their social and citizenship rights. The general objective of the project for the target group of 570 people will benefit from the following activities: • Support to increase access to early education (preschool level – 40 children aged 3-6 years); Information and counselling services-parents and children (136 children and 272 parents/advised guardians); Extracurricular activities (136 children will benefit from extra-school educational activities); 136 children belonging to the target group who will benefit from accompanying measures (granting packages with clothes, shoes, books, school supplies).48 children will participate in the trips that will be organised within the SDS program and 40 of them will be selected, depending on the school results obtained during the year for participation in the 2 camps that will be organised. At each camp will participate 20 students • Support for access to the labour market – 350 people will benefit from information services, professional training counselling and mediation; Increasing the employment rate at the level of the marginalised community by inserting 106 people into the labour market belonging to the target group; For adults able to work on the labour market, the project aims to ensure the opportunity of their participation in the labour market: 350 people at risk of poverty and social exclusion will benefit from the Social and Civic Competence courses, Operator courses introduction, validation and data processing and qualification courses level 1 depending on the specifics of each person • Supporting entrepreneurship – 28 business plans will be selected for the award of micro-grants; 100 persons participate in Entrepreneurship and Informatic Competences Courses • Support the development/provision of socio-medical services for 570 people • Activities to improve living conditions The beneficiaries of these services will be established according to the individual analysis of the 194 selected households. They will benefit from a construction execution service • Legal assistance activities for regulations of documents. 150 persons will benefit from legal advice for legal entry and in order to draw up files for obtaining social benefits • 240 people will benefit from