Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

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Start date: 1 November 2014
End date: 31 July 2023
Number of projects: 50
Total budget: 20 714 930,00 €
EU contribution: 7 559 391,50 €
Website: n/a
Country: European Commission Flag
Explore more: n/a
ERDF: 6 918 880,00 €
ESF: 640 511,50 €

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PROJECTTOTAL BUDGETEU CONTRIBUTIONFUNDVisitSaimaa2 — Lakeland Finland 2019-2021 2 370 000,00 € 882 000,00 € ERDF VisitSaimaa — Lakeland Finland 2017-2019 1 655 492,00 € 544 689,00 € ERDF South Savo as a pioneer in multi-seasoned housing 2019-2021 1 249 002,00 € 467 077,00 € ERDF Promoting business investments to support growth and internationalisation in Etelä-Savo 915 249,00 € 320 336,50 € ERDF VisitSaimaa & MikkeliRegion 973 073,00 € 311 721,00 € ERDF GeoNaCu Saimaa — Development of Antola Nature Centre, Astuvasil Rock Art Centre in Ristina and Saimaa Geopark 890 487,00 € 311 522,50 € ERDF D.O.Saimaa — Food&Culture 683 956,00 € 288 769,00 € ERDF EcoSairila — Recycling and Green Business Center 685 342,00 € 270 483,50 € ERDF Circular economy and new business models for emerging companies in the early 2020s economy 699 933,00 € 254 863,00 € ERDF Low-carbon solutions for technology value chains and digital governance to promote export and internationalisation capabilities — DCFB 639 940,00 € 241 334,00 € ERDF South Savo SME activation and development programme 463 980,00 € 231 990,00 € ERDF Companies across the Corona Crisis — the CIS 462 638,00 € 231 319,00 € ESF RAPURC- Improving the reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste through the development of concepts and data transfer 488 289,00 € 195 314,50 € ERDF Mikkeli Events 488 251,00 € 195 300,50 € ERDF War history — the past as an innovation environment 538 156,00 € 188 341,50 € ERDF