Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 October 2020
End date: 31 July 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 488 289,00 €
EU contribution: 195 314,50 € (40%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, yritys- ja alueosaston rakennerahastot ja koheesiopolitiikka -ryhmä

RAPURC- Improving the reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste through the development of concepts and data transfer

The project will develop circular economy operating models to improve the recycling of construction and demolition waste and to reduce CO2 emissions. The aim of the project is to digitise and automate the collection of data on recyclable furniture and materials for demolition and construction works, to transfer the collected data to a public marketplace, and to make it easy to access and use in order to improve the recycling of construction and demolition waste. The aim is to develop the operating models of the construction and demolition business, to identify and promote new business opportunities, to take into account the guidelines and recommendations of the Ministry of the Environment and other authorities and the requirements of the Renewable Land Use and Building Act in 2022 in the development of operating models and digital circular economy tools. All this creates opportunities for improving the recycling rate of waste, surpluses and reusable parts from demolition and construction. The project includes the development of circular economy approaches (TP1), which includes- dissemination of the latest information to stakeholders in workshops and seminars to improve the circular economy approaches- the design and development of a spatial data base for demolition materials- the development of digitalisation and data transfer automation of demolition mapping and/or waste survey, from mapping to database and further to digital marketplace- Developing an approach to collect data in the database and to exploit it in a digital trading platform- the development of the digital demolition platform and the development of a circular economy interface (STP3) for circular economy platforms and other stakeholders (Services3), The project explores and promotes the huge business potential of the circular economy for construction and demolition waste (TP4). Based on the studies, discussions are held with stakeholders and Ecosairila Business Park developers to realise business opportunities in the Mikkeli region. Furthermore, the Rapurc project is looking for best practices to collect and store material and environmental safety information on recyclable construction and demolition materials (TP5). The data collected will be brought into the database to be developed by the project and will be exploitable in digital marketplaces. As a result, the re-use and recycling of construction and demolition waste will increase, and new circular economy enterprises or business openings will be created or transferred to Mikkeli approximately 3-5 during the project or soon after its completion. The project will develop a completely new digital data collection and management package, which can be scaled into a system to be implemented throughout Finland.”

Flag of Finland  Finland