War history — the past as an innovation environment — the project is preparing the establishment of a nationwide military history centre in Mikkeli. Mikkeli is known as the headquarters of the Finnish Defence Forces in the wars of all independence. The City has been operating for over 40 years and the Foot Museum since the 1980s. The history of war and, in particular, headquarters is a leading theme of the region’s cultural heritage, which distinguishes the region from all other localities in Finland. Mikkeli is a nationally significant archival city, which has exceptionally good technological and knowledge-based conditions at its disposal for commercialising applied research and for supporting industry. In 2018, the city will open the central archives of the Archives Department, where the main wartime archives of the Defence Administration can be located. The archival material of the territories released during World War II is located in the Mikkeli Provincial Archives. The digitisation and conservation centre of the Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences and the University of Helsinki/National Library, as well as other actors in the Digital Mikkeli cluster, form the core of the evolving digital tip of the province. War history — a past as an innovation environment — aims to strengthen the region’s vitality by exploiting regional and national cultural heritage through tourism and digital know-how. The project is experimenting with open-minded combinations of military history-related content and digital opportunities.The war history project — a past as an innovation environment — has two main objectives: produces the necessary materials, studies, plans and agreements for the establishment of a physical and electronic military history centre and, on the other hand, to experiment and produce electronic products and services based on military history that serve companies and the public before the Centre is established.Autumn 2014 the Mikkeli Preliminary Project was carried out. According to it, the planned military history centre will be seen primarily as a centre of experience and experience of World War II, Winter and Continuation battlefields and domestic events, and as an electronic archive of wartime material for private individuals and as a provider and provider of digital services related to military history and wartime. The Centre’s implementation focuses on individual, human experiences with which the visitor can identify and learn from. Based on emerging media technology, the centre is a multi-voiced and interactive centre for tourism and information on military history, which is also of international interest. The Information and Exhibition Centre supports the whole of tourism and cultural services in the region. The War History Centre is a hub for an extensive network that gathers and combines information, experience, objects and people related to military history. The Centre has national and international networks, knowledge of content related to history and uses new technologies to present things. History, and in particular war history, is characterised by a large number of intangible elements; values and values, memories and memory. They affect the lives and activities of both the individual and the community, including the state. The objective of the Military History Centre to be established is to create innovations in the intangible and tangible cultural heritage, which in turn become products and services, increase the self-awareness of the individual and the community, and contribute to the economic activity. War history — the past as an innovation environment project demonstrates and experiments with these opportunities.The project aims togoal 1. Create a content plan that aligns the perspective and main message of the Military History Centre and positiones it in the national and international field. — a scientific group of experts (5-10 experts) will be compiled to outline the core message and perspective of the future centre. Measures:- the organisation of an international seminar on military history and its presentation, which will serve as the starting point for international networking — based on the above, will prepare an exhibition plan for the Military History Centre to the extent that realistic costs for implementation can be calculated. Includes a learning environment and pedagogical perspective.- Implementation of the Military History Centre.fi website, which serves mainly as a communication and marketing channel for the project, in particular as a publishing platform for online services, etc.- organise public events to present the project and get feedback — involve the community and aim to build broad approval for the military history centre project.Objective 2. Implement examples of the use of digital information for tourist companies and museums, as outlined in the Preliminary Study.