Public debate on multi-placed housing has intensified recently. Residents with multiple residences are those who have at least two different dwellings or homes that spend time and spend the night alternately or seasonally; among them are leisure residents, seasonal workers, people living two for work or studies, and children living in shifts (rural In South Savo, leisure residence is particularly important in terms of diversity in terms of vitality, regional economy and maintenance of service provision: the region has approximately 7 million overnight stays per year (Etelä-Savo Tourism and Leisure Income and Employment Survey). FCG, 2015), and in July the population of Etelä-Savo will even double with the seasonal population compared to the statistical population at the beginning of January (Natural Resources Centre). This project focuses on the development of leisure housing, as it is the most important form of multi-placed housing in terms of regional development, but at the same time undergoing strong change. We want to be strongly involved in the debate on multi-placed living, especially as regards leisure housing, and there is a justified need to invest in the region’s development and research of part-time housing at leisure homes. South Savo as a forerunner in multi-season housing is a provincial development and research project. The aim is to create a partnership-based collaborative model and a development platform combining different sectors and actors of leisure housing through the interaction of development and research measures to meet the challenges and opportunities of multi-local housing, which is manifested in recreational housing. The aim is also to involve companies providing leisure housing services in RDI activities related to the development of leisure housing. In addition, the aim is to strengthen the region’s brand as the best quality area in sustainable cottages and as a professional in the development and research of leisure housing, and to promote sustainable, climate-friendly cottages. Development activities will be supported by new knowledge and research. The focus of the project is to activate and develop a specialisation area that is inherent and strong in the region. Through the objectives and measures of the project, the aim is to ensure the future of multi-season housing in the region. The development project supports the region’s smart specialisation in the development and research of leisure housing by creating a development and expertise hub that utilises the strengths of the region as an area of leisure housing and takes into account its position as the second largest cottage county in Finland. The project seeks solutions to strengthen the vitality of the province through part-time housing. It is necessary to invest in the development of leisure housing, because the good current situation of part-time housing in the area may not automatically continue with the change of generations of cottage owners and changes in the styles of cottages. In order to achieve the objectives, the project will create a new comprehensive, contract-based recreational housing cooperation model and development platform in the province, covering not only a common way of operations, but also communication and event cooperation. Municipalities in the region play a key role in establishing a collaborative model. In addition, leisure residents, business, tourism, event sector, education sector and other stakeholders are involved in the process. The construction of the collaborative model and development platform is accompanied by a digital mobile application at the cottage pier, which enables crowdsourcing and dialogue and improves the opportunities for the participation of leisure residents. In order to involve companies in RDI activities, a network pilot of companies providing leisure housing services will be carried out by the main developer in the Mikkeli region and by a part-operator in Savonlinna. The pilot will bring together a selected group of companies committed to development goals, who understand the importance of part-time residents in their business operations. With the help of the pilot, networking of companies in the field will be launched in the area, cooperation between operators will be stepped up, and a comprehensive service concept for the services needed for cottages is planned and tested. The content and materials produced to strengthen the brand of leisure housing promote the region’s reputation as a high-quality cottage area and promote sustainable cottages by communicating climate-wise solutions related to cottages such as travelling to the cottage, leisure homes and leisure activities. The brand also serves as a symbol for the centre of expertise in the development and research of leisure housing. Multi-channel and inclusive communication under the Laiturilla brand and brand will contribute to the achievement of the above-mentioned objectives of the project.