VisitSaimaa — Lakeland Finland 2017-2019 is a provincial tourism development and marketing project, the main objective of which is to make the Saimaa region a significant and international tourist destination alongside Lapland and Helsinki, as well as to increase the tourism income of Etelä-Savo. The project expands the perspective of previous projects into a provincial and trans-provincial perspective, with a special focus on improving awareness and accessibility, without forgetting the continuing need to develop customer-oriented services and cooperation between different actors. The objective is that, by 2020, Etelä-Savo and the Saimaa region will be significantly better known as an attractive tourist area in both domestic and international markets in selected segments. The number of international tourists and tourism income is increasing steadily from the selected market areas and year-round tourism is being developed in a long-term manner in accordance with the principles of sustainable tourism. Companies are committed to cooperation — common goals and common customer relationships. The VisitSaimaa project seeks solutions for the construction and promotion of the South Savo/Saimaa tourism (South Savo and South Karelia)-Saimaa brand in Finland and internationally-for the further development of customer-oriented content and services in the Saimaa region-For the creation of a cooperation model for the development of customer-oriented content and services in the Saimaa region-Environmental tourism revenue growth, creation of new businesses and jobs- Internationalisation- Enhancing accessibility-Increased access-Increased access-Promoting digital tourism sales and marketing in Saimaa region International destination markets are primarily Central Europe, Russia, Russia. The priority target group for Europe and Asia has been identified as the so-called ‘modern humanists’ target group, which can be divided into three segments; cultural fans, active families and modern humanist couples. For Russia, the primary target group is families, couples and small groups who value peace and nature. Unique, untouched and beautiful lake nature, as well as local lifestyle and culture, are our main attraction factors in all target groups and markets. We offer well-being to those looking for active nature experiences, cultural experiences and food and wellness travelers. Cooperation with Helsinki and St. Petersburg will be intensified. Together we offer comprehensive and productised travel packages in international distribution channels and networks, especially for the Asian market. Digital marketing and sales channels enable cost-effective marketing also for niche target groups in different target markets.