Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

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Start date: 7 April 2015
End date: 1 July 2023
Number of projects: 111
Total budget: 2 481 944 479,38 €
EU contribution: 2 102 152 436,62 €
Website: link
Country: European Commission Flag
CF: 2 082 123 018,33 €
ERDF: 20 029 418,29 €

Správa železnic

Správa železnic, státní organizace (English: Railway Administration, formerly the Správa železniční dopravní cesty – SŽDC) is the national railway infrastructure manager in the Czech Republic. Its main customers include passenger train operator České dráhy and its cargo subsidiary ČD Cargo. (from Wikipedia)

1 - 15 of 111
PROJECTTOTAL BUDGETEU CONTRIBUTIONFUNDModernisation of the line Sudoměřice – Votice 191 340 460,00 € 162 639 410,00 € CF Modernisation of the line Rokycany – Plzeň, phase II 78 330 220,00 € 66 580 696,00 € CF Line speed increase in the section Oldřichov u Duchcova – Bílina 74 886 344,00 € 63 653 390,00 € CF Electrification and Capacity of Uničov (inclusive) — Olomouc 74 358 300,00 € 63 204 556,00 € CF Change of traction system to AC 25 kV, 50 Hz in the section Nedakonice — Říkovice 73 604 340,00 € 62 563 684,00 € CF Optimisation of the line Český Těšín – Dětmarovice 73 515 250,00 € 62 487 960,00 € CF Modernisation of the line Veselí n.L. – Tábor – II.part, section Veselí n. L. – Doubí u Tábora, 2nd stage Soběslav – Doubí 72 887 820,00 € 61 954 652,00 € CF Reconstruction of the railway station Brno hl.n. 71 845 610,00 € 61 068 770,00 € CF Modernisation and electrification of the line Šakvice – Hustopeče u Brna 62 795 896,00 € 53 376 510,00 € CF Reconstruction of railway station. Bohosudov 60 115 370,00 € 51 098 060,00 € CF Line speed increase in the section Řikonín – Vlkov u Tišnova 57 827 668,00 € 49 153 520,00 € CF Reconstruction of the railway section Křižanov — Sklené nad Oslavou (outside) 56 165 540,00 € 47 740 710,00 € CF Revitalisation of the line Týniště nad Orlicí – Broumov 47 641 256,00 € 40 495 064,00 € CF Revitalisation of Louny – Lovosice 46 998 810,00 € 39 948 984,00 € CF Modernisation of the railway station Česká Lípa 44 434 040,00 € 37 768 932,00 € CF