Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 14 February 2018
End date: 6 November 2019
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 47 641 256,00 €
EU contribution: 40 495 064,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Ministerstvo dopravy - Odbor fondů EU
intervention field
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Revitalisation of the line Týniště nad Orlicí – Broumov

The object of the construction is adaptations of selected sections of the existing railway line Týniště nad Orlicí – Broumov. The section Opočno pod Orlické Mountains (outside) – Hronov (including) is part of the line No. 506A Týniště nad Orlicí – Meziměstí st.hr. It is a national railway, outside the TEN-T system. The construction is located on the body of the existing railway line, in the vast majority on railway plots. The beginning of the construction is on km 38,957, the end of the construction in km 67.560. The total length of the revitalised section of the line is 28.603 km.

Flag of Czechia  Prague, Czechia