Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

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Start date: 24 July 2019
End date: 31 December 2023
Number of projects: 30
Total budget: 131 641 450,51 €
EU contribution: 111 851 854,10 €
Website: n/a
Country: European Commission Flag
Explore more: n/a
ERDF: 108 266 604,50 €
ESF: 3 585 249,60 €

1 - 15 of 30
PROJECTTOTAL BUDGETEU CONTRIBUTIONFUNDImplementation of active measures for biodiversity conservation based on the Natura 2000 site management plan ROSPA0037 Dumbravita- Rotbav-Magura Codlei 9 261 408,80 € 7 872 197,60 € ERDF Implementation of active conservation measures on the Natura 2000 site ROSCI0062 Crişul Repede Gorge - Pădurea Craiului 8 012 725,73 € 6 810 816,87 € ERDF Implementation of active conservation measures, from the approved management plan, on the territory of ROSPA0071 Lower Siret Lunca and protected natural areas with which it overlaps 7 523 207,20 € 6 394 726,00 € ERDF Development of management plans for protected natural areas ROSCI0355 (including natural reserves 2.92). Dutu’s cave and 2.93. Sinesie Cave), ROSCI0070, ROSCI0407, ROSPA0117 (including nature reserves 2.87. Runcu — Thick and 2.94. Monorostia fossil site), ROSCI0349, ROSCI0401, ROSCI0414. 4 823 676,40 € 4 100 124,80 € ERDF Elaboration of Management Plans for protected natural areas ROSCI0089 (including natural reserves 2.568 Moraren Lake and 2.577 Creasta Cocosului), ROSCI0192, ROSCI0264 (including natural reserves 2.593 Dealul Solovan and 2.585 Arcer – Tibles – Bran), ROSPA0171, ROSCI0302, ROSCI0411, ROSCI0416, ROSCI0421, ROSCI0436 4 814 220,40 € 4 092 087,20 € ERDF Development of management plans for protected natural areas ROSPA0079 (including nature reserve 2.743 Murani Mlaștinile), ROSCI0126, ROSCI0277, ROSCI0332, ROSCI0336, ROSCI0346, ROSCI0348, ROSCI0361, ROSCI0385, ROSCI0388, ROCSI0402, ROSCI0425, ROSPA0128. 4 802 742,80 € 4 082 331,60 € ERDF Elaboration of Management Plans for protected natural areas ROSCI0001, ROSCI0038 (including nature reserve 2.674 pans from Ciucaș), ROSCI0259, ROSPA0145, ROSCI0415, ROSPA0118, ROSPA0120, ROSPA0147 4 800 600,80 € 4 080 510,80 € ERDF Elaboration of Management Plans for Protected Natural Areas ROSCI0075 (including natural reserves 2.721. Crujana Forest and 2.726. Făgetul Dragomirna), ROSCI0184 (including Nature Reserve 2.727. Zamostea-Lunca Forest), ROSCI0328 (including nature reserves B8. Red forest and B9. Loben Secular codre), ROSCI0371, ROSCI0379, ROSCI0380, ROSCI0392, ROSPA0157. 4 799 802,40 € 4 079 832,00 € ERDF Elaboration of Management Plans for Protected Natural Areas ROSCI0041 (including Nature Reserve 2.776 Tanacu – Coast Rupturi), ROSCI0265 (including Nature Reserve 2.536 Veils Valea lui David), ROSCI0286, ROSCI0309, ROSPA0159, ROSCI0315, ROSCI0335, ROSCI0351, ROSCI0360, ROSPA0167, ROSCI0434 4 798 801,60 € 4 078 981,20 € ERDF Elaboration of management plans for ROSCI0311 Viteaz Canyon and ROSCI0413 Southern Lob of Zernov’s Phyllophora Field and revision of the Management Plans for ROSCI0197 Submerged Beach Eforie Nord — Eforie Sud, ROSCI0269 Vama Veche — 2 May, ROSCI0273 Marine Area at Cape Tuzla 4 789 819,60 € 4 071 346,40 € ERDF Elaboration of Management Plans for Protected Natural Areas ROSCI0079 (including Nature Reserve 2.629 Forest Săbed), ROSCI0100 (including Nature Reserve 2.631 Lake Frugău), ROSCI0146, ROSCI0154, ROSCI0274, ROSCI0320 (including nature reserves 2.628 Mociar Forest and 2.637 Poiana with narcise Gurghiu), ROSCI0331, ROSCI0333, ROSCI0342, ROSCI0408 (including nature reserve) 4 783 494,40 € 4 065 970,40 € ERDF Elaboration of Management Plans for protected natural areas ROSCI0166, ROSCI0288, ROSPA0154, ROSCI0296 (including nature reserves 2.796. Tisza Mare Forest and 2.797. Silea Forest), ROSCI0343 (including nature reserve 2.323. Ciornuleasa Forest), ROSCI0420, ROSCI0423, ROSCI0433, ROSCI0442, ROSPA0102, ROSPA0108 (including natural reserves IV.47. Ostrovous Goose and B4. Cama — 4 779 936,40 € 4 062 946,00 € ERDF Elaboration of management plans for protected natural areas ROSCI0141 (including Ciornohal Forest Reserve), ROSCI0160 (including Icuşeni Forest Reserve), ROSCI0213, ROSPA0168 (including Cotul Bran reserves on the Prut River and Prut River), Lunca Joasa Natural Park of Lower Prut (including ROSCI0105, ROSPA0130 and Lunca Joasa reserves of Prutului and Pochina Lake), ROSPA0070 (including Vlășcuţa La 4 762 454,00 € 4 048 085,60 € ERDF Implementation of conservation measures on Natura 2000 territory ROSCI0090 Harghita Mădăraș 4 751 470,80 € 4 038 750,40 € ERDF Development of Management Plans for protected natural areas ROSCI0114 (including natural reserves B.2. The swamp of Herghelia and 2.371. Grand Obanul and Movile Cave), ROSCI0191 (including nature reserve 2.358. Cave Limanu), ROSPA0066, ROSCI0281, ROSCI0293, ROSCI0340, ROSCI0353, ROSCI0412, ROSPA0057 4 719 739,20 € 4 011 778,40 € ERDF