In the context of modern anthropogenic pressures, in Romania we need to promote active measures to halt biodiversity loss by ensuring proper management of protected areas sites included in the Natura 2000 network and by promoting the green structure, as a horizontal measure, will ensure the integration of biodiversity into the policies promoted by LIOP programmes. The ROSCI0090 Harghita Madaras site in 2010 became an objective in the ‘Priority Action Framework for Natura 2000’ (PAF), being assigned in custody to the Lebanon-Zetea Particular Forestry Ocol, Harghita County, which initiated the elaboration of the Management Plan through the LIOP programme, code Smis: 36858, having obtained the approval of the Ministry of Environment No. 909/16.05.2016 Implementation of conservation and protection measures for habitats and edifying species is the continuation of the LIOP programme. Without implementation, the preparation of management plans can be considered unnecessary, waste of funds. This project is in line with the national biodiversity protection strategy. The measures provided by the implementation of the Management Plan were designed by specialists in the field, professors of ecology in the Faculty of Forestry — Transilvania University Brasov using participatory studies. The general objective of this project is to improve the conservation status of habitats and species of community interest by implementing measures/actions provided by the Natura 2000 site management plan ROSCI0090 Harghita Mădăraș and the natural reserve 2493 Dracului Lake approved by Order of the Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests no. 909/2016, respectively informing and raising awareness of members of local communities, owners, students, economic and social associations in order to stimulate their involvement in the management of the site. Following the implementation of the project Harghita Mădăraș site will benefit from the improvement of the current conservation status and will create conditions to prevent current and potential threats. Through the implementation of the Management Plan, the following will be achieved: a) contributing to the concrete protection of biodiversity in Romania, unanimously appreciated by the European community. b) ensuring a favourable conservation status for 3 habitats and 5 species c) improvement of the conditions of conservation of habitats also has the effect on the habitats/existence of protected species d) by carrying out the monitoring will ensure the necessary support for the management of habitats and species of conservation interest, permanently updating the data and information about the habitats and species for which the Natura 2000 site ROSCI0090 Harghita Mădăraș e) information and awareness of local communities to increase the involvement was designated. it’s important to know that you're not going to be able to do anything about it.