Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 October 2020
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 4 798 801,60 €
EU contribution: 4 078 981,20 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene

Elaboration of Management Plans for Protected Natural Areas ROSCI0041 (including Nature Reserve 2.776 Tanacu – Coast Rupturi), ROSCI0265 (including Nature Reserve 2.536 Veils Valea lui David), ROSCI0286, ROSCI0309, ROSPA0159, ROSCI0315, ROSCI0335, ROSCI0351, ROSCI0360, ROSPA0167, ROSCI0434

The general objective of the project is to: Ensuring the favourable conservation status of species and habitats of Community and national interest in ROSCI0041 Coast Rupturi Tanacu (including Tanacu Nature Reserve 2.776 – Coast Rupturi), ROSCI0265 David’s Valley (including the Nature Reserve 2.536 Secular Faelets Valea lui David), ROSCI0286 Elan Hills, ROSCI0309 Lakes around Măscurei and ROSPA0159 Lakes around Măscura, ROSCI0315 Lunca Chineja, ROSCI0335 Dobrina – Huşi Forest, ROSCI0351 Cucuieti Culmea, ROSCI0360 Bârlad River between Zorleni and Gura Gârbăvotulu and ROSPA0167 Bârlad River between Zorleni and Gura Gârbăvăţului, ROSCI0434 Middle Siret, within an open, transparent and participatory consultative process aimed at developing management plans and informing/aware of stakeholders about the benefits of conservation of Natura 2000 sites and nature reserves. Through the area and the theme addressed (strengthening the management of Natura 2000 sites, developing the Natura 2000 Network in Romania and contributing to the implementation in Romania of Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and Directive 2009/147/EC on the protection of wild birds), this project will directly contribute to: achieving Specific Objective 4.1. of Priority Axis 4 of LIOP 2014-2020, namely “Increasing the protection and conservation of biodiversity through appropriate management measures and restoring degraded ecosystems”. Given that the process of drawing up the Management Plans will identify the concrete needs for biodiversity protection in the area of the 11 Natura 2000 sites and the 2 nature reserves that are the subject of the project proposed for funding, it follows that the Management Plans carried out will also indirectly contribute to: achieving the objectives of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020, the Natura 2000 Priority Action Framework, the National Strategy and the Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan 2014-2020. This project aims to implement an A-type action (drafting Management Plans) for ROSCI0041 Tanacu Rupturi Rupturi (including Nature Reserve 2.776 Tanacu – Coast Rupturi), ROSCI0265 Valea lui David (including the Nature Reserve 2.536 Secular Valley of David), ROSCI0286 Elan Hills, ROSCI0309 Lakes around Mescura and ROSPA0159 Lakes around Mescura, ROSCI0315 Lunca Chineja, ROSCI0335 Dobrina Forest – Huşi, ROSCI0351 Culmea Cucuieţi, ROSCI0360 Bârlad River between Zorleni and Gura Gârbăvotulu and ROSPA0167 Bârlad River between Zorleni and Gura Gârbăvăţului, ROSCI0434 Middle Siret. In order to achieve the general objective, 3 specific objectives (set out below) were proposed, formulated in close connection with the activities foreseen in the project. In order to achieve each specific objective, one act has been provided for

Flag of Romania  Multiple locations, Romania