Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 August 2021
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 7 523 207,20 €
EU contribution: 6 394 726,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene

Implementation of active conservation measures, from the approved management plan, on the territory of ROSPA0071 Lower Siret Lunca and protected natural areas with which it overlaps

Ensuring the favourable conservation status of species and habitats on the territory of ROSPA0071 Lower Siret Lunca and the protected natural areas with which it overlaps, by implementing active conservation measures from the approved Management Plan, as well as informing/awareness of stakeholders about the proposed project. Through the area and the topic addressed (to improve the conservation status of habitats and species of Community interest, including bird species, in the Natura 2000 sites ROSPA0071 Lower Siret Lunca, ROSCI0162 Lunca Siretului Inferior and ROSCI0072 Sand Dunes at Conachi Inn and contributing to the implementation in Romania of Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the conservation of wild birds), this project will contribute directly to the achievement of the Specific Ecosystems Objective 4.1. of the Priority Axis of the 2014-2020 IOP and the restoration to the appropriate degree of protection of the “Wild Birds Conservation” Project. This project proposed for funding aims to implement a type B action (implementation of management plan/sets of conservation measures) for 3 Natura 2000 sites ROSPA0071 Lower Siret Lunca, ROSCI0162 Lower Siret Lunca and ROSCI0072 Sand Dunes from Hanul Conachi and 5 nature reserves (Lunca Siretului Natural Reserve with the two bodies, Black Forest and Dumbrăviţa Forest — code 2827; Balta Potcoava Natural Reservation — code 2411; Balta Tălăbasca Natural Reservation — code 2412; Natural Reservation Sand Dunele from Conachi Inn — code 2402 and Natural Reservation Forest Merişor — Cotul Zătuanului) having a total area of 38 397.95 ha. In the pre-implementation phase of the project, Activity A.0 was foreseen. Consultancy activities for the elaboration of the Financing Application and the related supporting documents in order to approve the grant application. Its sub-activities are: A.0.1. Consultancy for the preparation of the application for funding. A.0.2. Realisation of technical afforestation project for ecological reconstruction of natural forest habitats from ROSPA0071 Lower Siret Lunca and protected natural areas with which it overlaps. 6 specific objectives (as set out below) have been proposed to achieve the overall objective, formulated in close connection with the activities foreseen in the project. One activity has been foreseen to achieve each specific objective (as set out below). In addition, 2 activities of a general nature have been foreseen: Activity A.9. Project management (planning, implementation and monitoring/assessment of activities). Its sub-activities are: A.9.1. The activity of the members of the Project Implementation Unit — Activity A.10. Financial audit of

Flag of Romania  Multiple locations, Romania