The overall objective of the project is to ensure the favourable conservation status of bird species of Community/national interest in the protected natural area by maintaining/restoring the conservation status of their habitats (especially aquatic habitats) by implementing the management plan of the Natura 2000 site ROSPA0037 Dumbrăvita-Rotbav-Măgura Codlei. The Natura 2000 site that will benefit from the maintenance/improvement of the conservation status following the implementation of the project is ROSPA0037 Dumbrăvita-Rotbav-Măgura Codlei. For the protected area concerned by the project — ROSPA0037 Dumbrăvita-Rotbav-Măgura Codlei (consisting of three different areas/areas: Dumbrăviţa, Rotbav and Măgura Codlei), with an area of 4 434.10 ha (updated 2019), has been elaborated and is in force the Management Plan of the protected area ROSPA0037 Dumbrăviţa — Rotbav — Măgura Codlei, approved by Order no. 999/2016. At present, the special avifaunistic protection area is administered by ANANP. In order to maintain the favourable conservation status of water birds and to reduce or eliminate identified impacts/threats, the PM provides for various concrete measures, which can also be found in the concept of the proposed project and in the described activities, such as: — 1.3.1. Identification and application of hydrotechnical solutions to ensure favourable conservation status of bird species of national/Community interest — 1.3.2. Maintaining an optimal water level for the proper regeneration of marsh, emerald and woody vegetation and for the safety of bird breeding on ponds/basins where they nest between April and July — 1.3.5. Conservation/maintenance of areas and structure of habitats of marsh, reeds, seats and canals in Rotbav — Vadu Rosu area The following will be achieved through the implementation of the management plan of the protected natural area: ensuring a favourable conservation status for the habitats and species for which the Natura 2000 site ROSPA0037 Dumbrăvita-Rotbav-Măgura Codlei was declared; ensuring the necessary support for the management of species of conservation interest by constantly updating the data and information about their species and habitats in the protected natural area; — maintenance of a favourable conservation status for species of conservation interest in the protected natural area ROSPA0037 Dumbrăvita-Rotbav-Măgura Codlei; — detailed monitoring and evaluation of species of conservation interest and their habitats; efficient management of Natura 2000 site ROSPA0037 Dumbrăvita-Rotbav-Măgura Codlei; — information and awareness of local communities and visitors of the protected natural area ROSPA0037 Dumbrăvita-Rotbav-Măgura Codlei; it will contribute to the integration of the local population, local elected representatives, informal leaders of local communities in the activities of implementing management measures. Based on the aspects