Celkovým cieľom projektu je zvýšiť počet pokročilých študijných programov STEM vrátane medicínskeho a kreatívneho priemyslu. Osobitným cieľom projektu je zvýšiť počet modernizovaných študijných programov RTU STEM zlepšením a rozvojom infraštruktúry RTU. Stratégia rozvoja infraštruktúry RTU sa zameriava na rozvoj územne koncentrovanej študijnej a vedeckej infraštruktúry a posilnenie strategickej špecializácie. S pomocou tohto projektu bude RTU naďalej investovať do oblastí, v ktorých ešte neboli dosiahnuté reformné alebo reštrukturalizačné ciele a táto podpora bude logickým pokračovaním investícií, ktoré sa už uskutočnili alebo sa uskutočňujú, a bude vychádzať z roku 2008. Skúsenosti získané počas obdobia 2015 a dosiahnuté výsledky a Rozvojová stratégia RTU 2015. S cieľom pokračovať v zlepšovaní, modernizácii študijných programov RTU a stimulovať implementáciu nových študijných programov, RTU plánuje podporovať nasledujúce hlavné investičné smery: 1) reconstruction of the building at Ķīpsalas Street 6b will be carried out to move faculties of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics (MTAF), where it is located in premises, workshops and laboratories unsuitable for the study process, 2) a new building will be built in Ķīpsalas Street 10, the building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (BIF) for the implementation of the study materials in Ķīpsalas Street 6a will be reconstructed, and a new building will be built in Ķīpsalas Street 10, which will be implemented within the framework of the Faculty of Engineering (BIF) building in Ķīpsalas Street 6a, where it is located in the premises, workshops and laboratories of the modern study process, and a new building will be built in Ķīpsalas Street 10, which will be implemented in the building of the Faculty of Engineering (BIF) for the implementation of the normative materials in Ķīpsalas Street 6a, where it is located in the premises, workshops and laboratories of modern study process, and will be built a new building in Ķīpsalas Street 10, which will be implemented for the modernisation of the building in Ķīpsalas Street 6a for the modernisation of the building in Ķīpsalas Street, 2. a new building will be built in Ķīpsalas Street 10, which will be implemented within the framework of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (BIF) for the modernisation of the building in Ķīpsalas Street 6a, applying it to the study process, and a new building will be built in Ķīpsalas Street 10, the building will be modernised in the building of the Faculty of Engineering (BIF) for the implementation of the Faculty of Engineering (BIF) building in Ķīpsalas Street 6a, where it is located in the premises, workshops and laboratories of the modern study process.2) a new building will be built in Ķīpsalas Street 10, the building will be modernised in the building of the Faculty of Engineering (BIF) for the implementation of the Faculty of Engineering (BIF) building in Ķīpsalas Street 6a, where it is located in premises, workshops and laboratories that are not suitable for modern study process, will be built a new building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (BIF) for the implementation of the Faculty of Engineering (BIF) building in Ķīpsalas Street 6a, where it is located in premises, workshops and laboratories unfit for modern study process, will be built a new building in Ķīpsalas Street 10, which will be implemented in the building of the Faculty of Engineering (BIF) building in Ķīpsalas Street 6a, where it is located in Natural sciences, mathematics and information technologies – 18 STEM study programmes, engineering, manufacturing and construction – 84 STEM study programmes, environmental protection – 3 STEM study programmes. Projekt sa má realizovať 48 mesiacov od 15. septembra 2017 do 14. septembra 2021 a jeho celkové oprávnené náklady sú 11 725 073,00 EUR (vrátane financovania z EFRR – 9 966 312,05 EUR a financovania zo štátneho rozpočtu – 17 587 760,95 EUR).