Kohesio: objavte projekty EÚ vo vašom regióne

informácie o projekte
Dátum začatia: 31 mája 2017
Dátum ukončenia: 30 júna 2018
Fond: Európsky fond regionálneho rozvoja (ERDF)
Celkový rozpočet: 152 941,18 €
Príspevok EÚ: 130 000,00 € (85%)

Zlepšenie infraštruktúry prírodnej rezervácie „Būšnieku ezera Krasts“

Cieľom projektu "Rozvoj infraštruktúry prírodnej rezervácie "Būšnieku ezera Krasts" (ďalej len "projekt") je vytvoriť vysokokvalitnú turistickú a prírodnú vzdelávaciu infraštruktúru v prírodnej rezervácii "Būšnieku ezera Krasts" (ďalej len "prírodná rezervácia"), čím sa zníži antropogénne zaťaženie, vytvorí sa funkčná a kvalitatívna sieť infraštruktúry cestovného ruchu a poznatkov o prírode na organizáciu ľudského toku prírody, ako aj zvýšenie povedomia verejnosti o prírodných hodnotách a prírodovedných postojoch vo výsledku.Probácia vo výsledku; skrátiť dĺžku cestovného ruchu, rozšíriť sieť infraštruktúry cestovného ruchu a prírodného cestovného ruchu na organizáciu ľudského toku prírody, ako aj zvýšiť povedomie verejnosti o hodnotách prírody a postojoch v tejto oblasti priaznivých pre prírodu; to reduce the length of the tourism and to increase the tourism and nature knowledge infrastructure network for organising the human flow of the European nature, as well as to create public awareness of the nature values and nature friendly, in the result of the visitor to be able to reduce the length of the tourism and the tourism in the area by creating a functional and qualitative tourism and nature information infrastructure network for human flow, as well as to create public understanding of the nature values and nature-friendly, in the result of the creation of a cross-local tourism and nature tourism infrastructure in order to organise the human flow of nature, as well as to create a common understanding of the nature values and nature-friendly, in the result of the moon-tour tourism platform.•Incluminating the eco-tour in the area will be extended to the tourism and nature knowledge infrastructure for organising the human flow, as well as to create public awareness of the nature values and nature friendly, in the result of the creation of a cross-road, to be extended to the eco-tour in the territory by creating a functional and qualitative tourism and nature infrastructure network for organising the human flow of the European nature, as well as to create public awareness of the nature values and nature-friendly attitudes in it.The result of the project is to reduce the length of the tourism and nature tourism in the territory by creating a functional and qualitative tourism infrastructure network for organising the human flow of the nature, as well as to create public awareness of the nature values and nature of the environment in order to create an observatory and the importance of nature-friendly behaviour in order to create a functional and qualitative tourism and nature infrastructure network for organising the human flow of the European nature, as well as to create a public understanding of the nature values and nature-friendly, in the result.The project will be made in the result of the creation of anthropogenic load, creating a functional and qualitative tourism and nature knowledge infrastructure for organising the human flow of the nature, as well as to create a public understanding of the nature values and nature-friendly, in the result of the creation of an economy for tourism, the duration of the visitor, to be increased at the level of the European tourism and nature knowledge infrastructure for organising the human flow of the European nature, as well as to create a public understanding of the nature values and nature friendly in it.The project will be made in the result of the creation of anthropogenic footprint, creating a functional and qualitative tourism and nature plan for organising the human flow of the European nature, as well as to create a public understanding of the nature values and nature friendly, in the result of the creation of a cross-surveillance of the tourism and the duration of the project.In the extent of the eco-surveillness, within the scope of the tourism and nature plan to organise the human flow of the European nature, as well as to create a public understanding of the nature values and nature-friendly, in the result of the project.The project will be made in the result of a functional and qualitative tourism infrastructure in the territory of the nature reserve "Būšnieku ezera krasts" (hereinafter referred to as nature reserve), thus reducing anthropogenic load, creating a functional and qualitative tourism and nature knowledge infrastructure network for organising the human flow of the nature, as well as create a public understanding of the nature values and nature creation in the territory.The project will be created in the result of anthong-observatory, in the result of the ecliptical implementation of the tourism platform.Includes a functional and qualitative tourism and nature

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