Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

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Start date: 1 October 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Number of projects: 7
Total budget: 13 635 022,99 €
EU contribution: 9 030 944,67 €
Website: n/a
Country: European Commission Flag
Explore more: n/a
ERDF: 8 410 176,48 €
ESF: 620 768,19 €

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PROJECTTOTAL BUDGETEU CONTRIBUTIONFUNDExpansion and reconstruction of the port of Puck to enable the development of its fishing, tourist and sailing functions -ETAP I 7 492 770,50 € 5 267 595,00 € ERDF Construction of the Puck integration junction with access routes 2 236 126,24 € 1 511 122,44 € ERDF Revitalisation of the Pucka_2 Center 2 081 625,29 € 1 005 213,88 € ERDF COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY MODERNISATION OF BUILDINGS OWNED BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF PUCK 1 094 185,44 € 626 245,16 € ERDF Success IN kindergarten – 100 permanent places to play and study in Local Government Kindergarten in Puck City 438 369,45 € 372 614,03 € ESF Revitalisation of the Puck Centre 242 001,10 € 205 700,93 € ESF Revitalisation of the Pucka_1 Center 49 944,97 € 42 453,23 € ESF