The aim of the task is to increase the capacity of the port, improve its conditions of use (improvement of navigability and safety), create a unique, trans-regional tourist product. The implementation of the project, due to its scale and cost, was divided into the second phases: — Stage I of implementation (the subject of this proposal) covering: the construction of a part of the North breakwater to protect the Fisherman’s Basin from excessive waves, the construction of a permanent interconnection bridge with three boat platforms (places for 98 yachts) and the preparation of the harbour base. — Stage II of implementation (except for the project) comprising: completion of the construction of the North breakwater, 2 platforms floating for yachts on the eastern side of the gateway (places for 108 yachts), construction of the Eastern breakwater extension, completion of the base of the harbour facilities and construction of new parking spaces and wintering of yachts in the PGK area