The project is addressed to a group of 30 people at risk of poverty or social exclusion covered by social services of general interest in the Programme. The project involves the creation of a day care centre and parents’ club (for people at risk of poverty or social exclusion and their families). Children and young people aged 6 to 18 will be able to benefit from free and voluntary stay in the institution, in particular families experiencing difficulties in fulfilling their care and educational functions and who have alcohol problems. Admission will take place at the written request of the child’s parents or legal guardians. The seat of the unit will be located in the Puck Support Centre, which will be set up as part of a project implemented simultaneously under Sub-measure 8.1.1. The facility will operate throughout the calendar year, on all working days in the afternoon – according to needs, as well as on selected weekends, e.g. during the organisation of tours, integration events and occasional events. The aim of the institution will be to support families in their care and educational functions, provide care and upbringing in free time from school activities, promoting healthy lifestyles, supporting school successes, etc. The following activities will be carried out within the facility: tutorials, excursions, extracurricular activities on various topics, developing interests and developing leisure time. As part of the task – the parents’ club, there will be workshops on parental skills, of a cyclical nature. The aim of the workshop will be to support parents and carers in raising children. Running a day support facility and workshops n. The “Parents Club” will be entrusted to Partner 1.