The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (hereinafter – MoEPRD) to coordinate the policy of the horizontal principle “Sustainable Development” (hereinafter – HP IA) within the operational programme “Growth and Employment”.In order to ensure monitoring of the implementation of HP IA, MoEPRD should ensure the integration of this principle in all phases of the implementation of the European Union (hereinafter – EU) funds, starting from the development of planning documents and legislation and ending with monitoring of the implementation of HP IA indicators and proposals for changes in planning documents.MoEPRD will ensure the implementation of the project in all phases of the implementation of the European Union (hereinafter – EU) funds, starting from the development of planning documents and legislation and ending with monitoring of the implementation of HP IA indicators and proposals for changes in planning documents.The MoEPRD will ensure the implementation of the project in all phases of the implementation of the European Union (hereinafter – EU) funds, starting from the development of planning documents and legislation and ending with monitoring of the implementation of HP IA and proposals for changes in planning documents.The MoEPRD will ensure the implementation of this principle in all phases of the implementation of the European Union (hereinafter – EU) funds, starting from the development of planning documents and legislation and ending with monitoring of the implementation of the HP IA IA indicators and proposals for changes in planning documents.The MoEPRD will ensure the implementation of this principle in all phases of implementation of the European Union (hereinafter – EU) funds, starting from the development of planning documents and laws and regulations and ending with the monitoring of the implementation of the HP IA and proposals for changes in planning documents.The MoEPRD will ensure the implementation of this principle in all phases of the implementation of the European Union (hereinafter – EU) funds, starting from the development of planning documents and regulations and regulations and ending with monitoring of the implementation of HP IA indicators and proposals for changes in planning documents.The MoEPRD will ensure the implementation of the project in accordance with It is essential to increase this capacity at the beginning of the planning period of EU funds, when responsible institutions elaborate intensively the initial evaluations of specific support objectives (hereinafter referred to as SAM), evaluation criteria for applications of SAM projects, methodology for application of criteria and regulatory framework for implementation of these objectives. Planowane działania projektowe są bezpośrednio związane z osiągnięciem celu projektu, zapewniając koordynację zasady horyzontalnej „Zrównoważony rozwój”. Całkowity koszt projektu zaplanowano dla MoEPRD jako instytucji odpowiedzialnej w wysokości 140 000 EUR.