Kohesio: pronađite projekte EU-a u vašoj regiji

podaci o projektu
Datum početka: 28 veljače 2019
Datum završetka: 27 svibnja 2020
Fond: Europski fond za regionalni razvoj (ERDF)
Ukupni proračun: 955 704,38 €
Doprinos EU-a: 812 348,73 € (85%)

Poboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti u zgradi Mazā Lubānas iela 11, Riga

Cilj projekta je promicanje poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti u zgradi Sveučilišta u Latviji, Mazā Lubānas iela 11, Riga.1) planirane uštede toplinske energije nakon provedbe projekta nisu manje od 294,63 MWh godišnje (40,27 % godišnje); 2) planirana potrošnja topline za grijanje nakon provedbe projekta neće prelaziti 51,18 kWh/m² godišnje;3) planirano smanjenje emisija CO2 87 024 kg/godišnje; Ukupni prihvatljivi troškovi projekta 9 555 704,38 EUR, uključujući potporu Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj 85 % ili 812 348,72 EUR i financiranje državnog proračuna 15 % ili 143 355,66 EUR.U skladu s energetskim pregledom i tehničkim pregledom zgrade, planira se provedba sljedećih mjera za poboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti u zgradama building:1.Based:-Izolacija fasade primjenom pristupa kuće; — Zamjena ispuna između blokade;-izolacija opeke palača; —Izolacija prozora izvana duž perimetra, uključujući ispod prozorskih dasaka (gdje je fizički moguće);-Veco zamjena podruma s PVC prozorima sa staklenim paketom sa selektivnim. Replacement of old doors against fireproof insulated metal doors;-Cokola insulation;-Jump insulation;- Dismantling of balconies that will prevent their connection to thermal bridges.2.Hot water system:-Installation of solar collectors for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Install shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Install shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Install shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Installed shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Install shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Install shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Install shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water production (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Install shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Install shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Install shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Instalating shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Installation of shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Installation of shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Installing shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water preparation (with additional storage tank and connection to the existing system);-Installing shower panels with adjustable piezo buttons with maximum time for hot water (with additional storage 15 months from the signing of the agreement on project implementation.

Flag of Latvija  Riga, Latvija