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Start date: 8 January 2018
End date: 31 December 2023
Number of projects: 31
Total budget: 17 742 521,82 €
EU contribution: 9 698 527,60 €
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Country: European Commission Flag
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ERDF: 9 698 527,60 €

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PROJECTTOTAL BUDGETEU CONTRIBUTIONFUNDImprovement and integration in the city on the banks of the Henares River 1 510 000,00 € 855 415,00 € ERDF Rehabilitation of industrial areas and actions to improve the urban scene. 1 510 000,00 € 855 415,00 € ERDF IMPLEMENTATION WORKS OF LED TECHNOLOGY LUMINAIRES TO IMPROVE THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF STREET LIGHTING IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ALCALÁ DE HENARES PHASE III 1 687 000,00 € 843 500,00 € ERDF Update of the trunk information systems of the hacienda area of the municipality of Alcalá de Henares. 1 415 000,00 € 707 500,00 € ERDF Creation of a Social, Cultural and Community Development Centre in the former “La Gal” factory 1 240 000,00 € 702 460,00 € ERDF Urban integration of the Roman sites of Hippolytus and Complutum; 1 190 000,00 € 674 135,00 € ERDF District II Energy Rehabilitation: municipal buildings (Phase 2) and improvement of the energy efficiency of street lighting. 850 000,00 € 481 525,00 € ERDF REINTEGRATION OF THE BURGUNDY MILL OF THE ISLAND OF THE HENARES RIVER SCHOOL AS A CENTER OF INTERPRETATION OF NATURE (AYUNTAMIENTO ALCALÁ DE HENARES) 892 810,50 € 446 405,25 € ERDF Creation of a Training Centre for employment in the sports city El Juncal 710 000,00 € 402 215,00 € ERDF IMPLEMENTATION OF MEASURES DERIVED FROM A NEW COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY 700 000,00 € 396 550,00 € ERDF Regeneration of a space for urban sports and youth leisure 576 000,00 € 326 304,00 € ERDF Promotion of the use of the bicycle 570 000,00 € 322 905,00 € ERDF REFURBISHMENT OF THE BOULEVARD SPACE OF THE PASEO DE PASTRANA FOR PEOPLE WITH REDUCED MOBILITY IN ALCALÁ DE HENARES 550 000,00 € 311 575,00 € ERDF Enabling the Maria Zambrano Socio-Cultural Center for the improvement of care services 500 000,00 € 283 250,00 € ERDF Intelligent Irrigation System 440 000,00 € 249 260,00 € ERDF