Kohesio: tutustu EU:n hankkeisiin alueellasi

hankkeen tiedot
Alkamispäivä: 18 helmikuuta 2019
Päättymispäivä: 31 maaliskuuta 2021
Rahasto: Euroopan aluekehitysrahasto (ERDF)
Kokonaisbudjetti: 118 666,32 €
EU:n rahoitusosuus: 100 866,37 € (85%)
Ohjelmakausi: 2014-2021
Hallintoviranomainen: Zarząd Województwa Małopolskiego obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski Woj. Małopolskiego – Departament Zarządzania Programami Operacyjnymi,


ParkRide-pysäköintialueen rakentamiseen kuuluu 50 henkilöautojen pysäköintiasemaa ja 10 polkupyörien pysäköintipaikkaa suljetun alueen rajan välille eli rautatietontin rajalta Kolejowa-kadun tiekaistalle eli tietontille. Dimensions of places: 2.5 m and length of 5 m in the case of passenger cars,2 width of 3.6 m and length of 5 m in the case of passenger cars used by disabled persons.In the framework of this investment, it is envisaged to perform, among others: making exits of concrete cubes in grey color about 110m2execution of a manoeuvring road from concrete cubes from the concrete cubes in a gray color, the regulation of the building in red color, the implementation of the edge of the parking lot from the main square.In the hallway of the building, there are also a number of works in the hallway of the concrete floor, and in the form of a rectification of the conditions of the requisites according to the reservoir, the implementation of a permanent parking lot of the stationery of the stationery of the building in the mainland, and in the form of the construction of the concrete works in the area of the building is also in accordance with the requirements of the construction of the hallway in the field of the construction of the building in the mainland, as well as on the basis of the construction of the concrete works in the form of a fence, as well as on the basis of the construction of the railways in the form of a detailed construction of the building in the field of the construction of the building, the construction of the parking lot in the area of the building, the construction of the concrete cubes in the grey color of about 110 m², the construction of the road from the concrete cubes in grey color, the implementation of the pavement of the building in the middle of the building is also in accordance with the construction of the hallway, as well as the implementation of the hallway in the field of the construction of the building, as well as in the area of the construction of the concrete floor, as well as in the mains of the construction of the building, in the form of the construction of the building are also adapted from the construction of the building, the construction of the parking lot on the ground floor, as well as in the construction of the construction of the concrete structure, with regard to the repair of the area of the construction of the buildings in the mainland, as well as on the basis of the implementation of the construction of the building in the corner of the construction of the building, as well as in the form of the construction of the construction of the railway station, as well as on the basis of the construction of the construction of the building in the area of the building, as well as on the basis of the construction of the concrete structure, as well as in the construction of the concrete floor, as well as the basement of the building from the basement, as well as the construction of the hallway in the form of the construction of the building in the area, and the length of the car park in the case of passenger cars, 02 m wide width of 3.6 m and the length of 5 m in the length of the concrete floor, the length of the passenger cars used by the disabled persons. The construction of the gray concrete cubes of about 500 m² m² of the construction of the concrete cubes in the gray color of the concrete cubes, as well as the fitting of the stavement of the yards should be in accordance with the conditions of the requisites, as well as the implementation of the square footage of the buildings, the construction of the square footage of the parking lot and the pavement of the pavement, as well as in the foothills of the construction of the foothills, as well as in the foothills, as well as the construction of the pavement of the land according to the conditions of the mainland, the construction of the parking area of the mainland and the construction of the pavement of the concrete floor, as well as the basement of the pavement of the construction of the yards of the construction of the construction of the area of the area, and the length of the parking lot of the roadside, the width of 3.6 m and the length of 5 m for the length of the concrete floor with a length of about 260 m for passenger cars used by disabled persons.In the scope of the project it is planned to perform, the construction of the concrete cubes in grey color about 110m2use of the manoeuvrable roadway with the concrete cubes of the concrete cubes in grey color about 500 m² m² of the construction of the square.Movement of the parking space of the concrete square as well as in the grey color of the building with the right footage should be in accordance with the footage of the reservoccup to the conditions of the Republic of the Minister with a view to the requisistry of the building of a fixed parking lot, and the pavement of the construction of the concrete construction site, as well as the basement of the b

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