The overall objective of the project is set in direct correlation with Priority Axis 1 — Improving mobility by developing the TEN-T network and metro transport; Specific objective 1.2 — Increasing mobility on the TEN-T core rail network. The rehabilitation project for the works at Fetești and Ciulnita stations is an integral part of the Master General Transport Plan of Romania, a strategic document for the development of the national transport infrastructure, approved by the Romanian Government by Decision no. 666/2016. The Bucharest-Constanţa railway line is an important line of the Romanian railway network, as it takes the European international traffic from the two central corridors located on the territory of Romania and connects the Rhine — Danube Corridor (formerly Corridor IV) and the countries of South-Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Greece, Türkiye). Having a general orientation from west to east, it connects Bucharest, Romania’s capital and the country’s most important railway hub, with Constanta, the main port of the Black Sea and the Romanian coastline, ensuring through the Bucharest complex the railway connection of all areas of the country and the Romanian coastline. OS 1.2. (financed by the Cohesion Fund — CF) promotes, as a priority, the completion of the Rhine-Danube rail corridor (upgrading the railway line between the Hungarian and Constanta border), ensuring increased mobility on the TEN-T core rail network, in line with the prioritisation of Romania’s Master General Transport Plan (MPGT) and LIOP 2014-2020 Applicant Guide_OS 1.2 and 2.7. The main result of promoting investments under O.S. 1.2 is to meet the requirements for rail transport laid down in Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network and repealing Decision No 661/2010/EU: • Time savings in travelling distances on the reduced rail network, under standard conditions laid down in the European regulations for rail transport. The implementation of the project will lead to savings of about 4 minutes for passenger trains. The project contributes to achieving the result indicator of the 2S2 programme — Average travel time on the TEN-T rail network (Min./100km), according to the traffic data, as shown in the table below: Table — Average traffic speed impact indicators (ACB p. 62) Train Travel time (minutes) Existing Situation Designed Train passengers without stop 116 112 Train passengers stopping at Ciulnita station only