Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 20 May 2019
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 129 876 126,89 €
EU contribution: 72 051 267,45 € (55,48%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Дирекция „Координация на програми и проекти”, Министерство на транспорта, информационните технологии и съобщенията
intervention field
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Modernisation of the railway line Sofia — Dragoman-Serbian border: railway section Voluyak — Dragoman — Phase 1

The present project proposal is the implementation of the project "Modernisation of the railway line Sofia-Dragoman-Serbian border: Voluyak-Dragoman railway section" (phase 1). The project involves partial doubling and modernisation of the railway infrastructure elements of the Voluyak-Dragoman railway section with a length of 33.34 km, as required by the TSI and Regulation 1315/2013 for a speed of 160 km/h for passenger trains and 120 km/h for freight trains. The scope of Phase 1 is detailed in Annex 1, item B.3.1. This project proposal for modernisation of the Voluyak-Dragoman railway section (phase 1) includes the following main activities: Activity 1: Design — Design of the DUP and preparation of a working project for the elements of the railway infrastructure Activity 2: Purchase of land Activity 3: Construction: 1. Construction works and supplies of materials and equipment for the railway section of Voluyak-Dragoman (IP Aldomirovtsi West): — modernisation of the elements of existing infrastructure and reconstruction of all crossings of railway infrastructure with facilities of other infrastructure, etc. — upgrading of SCADA — construction of new elements of railway infrastructure along the railway section — railway (doubling); Kostinbrod stop; new RP Aldomirovtsi west and RP Aldomirovtsi east; facilities, etc. for the entire railway section. 2. Commissioning Activity 4: Technical Assistance — 1. Project Management and 2.Terrain Studies and Archaeological Surveillance Activity 5: Publicity Activity 6: Supervision during construction — 1.Conformity assessment under the ZUT, 2.Assessment of compliance with the TSI and 3.Authoristic supervision The start date of the project is 20.05.2019 (the preparation of tender documentation for a public works contract starts). The final date is 31.12.2023. The total deadline for implementation is 55 months.

Flag of Bulgaria  София (столица), Bulgaria