Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 18 July 2016
End date: 6 March 2020
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 8 418 182,15 €
EU contribution: 7 155 454,82 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Дирекция „Координация на програми и проекти”, Министерство на транспорта, информационните технологии и съобщенията
intervention field

Rehabilitation of railway infrastructure along the sections of the railway line Plovdiv — Burgas — restoration, repair and modernisation of traction substations Burgas, Karnobat and Yambol

The investment project “Rehabilitation of railway infrastructure on sections of the Plovdiv-Burgas railway line” envisages the construction of a railway highway to serve the population and domestic and international freight traffic. The project will ensure interoperability of infrastructure, equipment, management systems, operation and safety, as well as connectivity with the European railway network through the application of uniform standards. The Plovdiv-Burgas railway line is part of the “core” trans-European transport network and part of the Orient/East-Mediterranean corridor. The existing railway line Plovdiv — Burgas is electrified with a total length of 294 km, of which 128 km — single and 166 km — double line. The design speed along the railway line ranges between 100-160 km/h.The strategy for the implementation of the rehabilitation of the railway line Plovdiv-Burgas covers two phases: “Technical assistance for rehabilitation of railway infrastructure on sections of the railway line Plovdiv — Burgas” — completed;—Stage 2: “Rehabilitation of railway infrastructure in sections of the Plovdiv-Burgas railway line in Bulgaria" — under OPT, initially including the following sub-stages: • University of Mihailovo — Kaloyanovets; • Stara Zagora — Zimnitsa University of Stara Zagora; •Training substations Stara Zagora and Nova Zagora; •Training substations Yambol, Karnobat and Burgas;• Signal and telecommunications systems in BurgasFaza 2 node includes the following stages:-Stage I "Technical assistance for the project "Rehabilitation of the railway section Plovdiv-Burgas — Phase 2" — completed;− Stage II "Preparation of the project "Rehabilitation of the railway section Plovdiv-Burgas — Phase 2" — in the process of implementation under OPTTI;-Step III "Construction of the project "Rehabilitation of the railway section Plovdiv-Burgas — Phase 2" — planned for financing and implementation under OPTTI.Continued in Annex.

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