The project “Electrification of Vilnius Railway Node” is designed to improve the public sector in the social and economic context. The feasibility study found that electrification of this section of Corridor IXB would have the highest socio-economic and environmental positive effects due to high volumes of freight and passenger transport. The project is one of the cross-cutting electrification projects of corridor IXB, the implementation of which will lead to a reduction of environmental pollution, a reduction in freight costs and an increase in the competitiveness of rail transport. The aim of the project is to modernise the section of the Vilnius railway bypass Kyviškės-Valčiūnai-Vaidotai-Paneriai and Vilnius-Kirtimai-Valčiūnai by adapting it to zero-emission rolling stock, to ensure the possibility of future train traffic at 160 km/h by means of contact network parameters, to increase the attractiveness of rail transport. The project consists of the preparation of a work project, examination services, construction work, technical maintenance services, adaptation of traffic management systems and other works. The project will increase the attractiveness of rail transport on Corridor IXB and reduce noise and environmental pollution, develop the TEN-T network in Lithuania, which will improve traffic safety, reduce transport costs, while improving the functioning of local businesses, labour mobility, and facilitating the development of logistics and intermodal transport. During the implementation of the project, it is planned to electrify the 42 km railway section by installing a 25 kV contact line (around 114 km of expanded roads), to reconstruct the Lentvaris traction substation in order to provide electricity for the newly constructed contact line, and to extend the traffic control centre.