Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 8 July 2016
End date: 10 December 2020
Fund: n/a
Total budget: 27 818 111,06 €
EU contribution: 23 645 394,40 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Finansų ministerija
intervention field
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Construction of the second road of corridor IXb Vilnius bypass Pušynas — Paneriai

The project “Construction of the second road of the Vilnius bypass — Paneriai” is designed to improve the public sector in the social and economic context. The project to be implemented shall comply with: — Specific objective 6.1.1 of priority 6 ‘Development of sustainable transport and core network infrastructure’ of the 2014-2020 Operational Programme for investments from the EU Structural Funds, ‘Enhancing interoperability between the country’s multimodal transport system and the trans-European transport networks’; National Transport Development Programme 2014-2022 and its second objective, approved by Resolution No 1253 of the Government of 18 December 2013 approving the National Transportation Development Programme 2014-2022. The implementation of the project will significantly contribute to the integration of the national rail transport system into the TEN-T transport network by increasing the interoperability between the Lithuanian multimodal transport system and the trans-European transport networks, as the construction of the second roads will significantly increase the capacity of the section and the efficiency of the operation of train traffic. The measures necessary for the safety of trains and the reduction of accidents will also be ensured. The project also aims to maintain, protect and improve the acoustic quality of the surrounding environment, to reduce significant negative impacts on human health, to contribute to the improvement of human health and quality of life by effective management and control of noise, with a view to the harmonious management and development of the road network of national importance and the highway network of national significance.

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