Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 29 December 2014
End date: 31 October 2019
Fund: n/a
Total budget: 48 941 683,75 €
EU contribution: 41 600 431,19 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Finansų ministerija
intervention field
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Construction of the second road on the Telšiai-Lieplaukė section

The project “Building a second road in Telšiai-Lieplaukė” is designed to improve the public sector in the social and economic context. The project to be implemented shall comply with: — Specific objective 6.1.1 of the draft Operational Programme for investments under the EU Structural Funds 2014-2020, ‘Development of infrastructure for sustainable transport and core networks’, ‘Enhancing interoperability between the country’s multimodal transport system and the trans-European transport networks’; National Transport Development Programme 2014-2022 and its second objective, approved by Resolution No 1253 of the Government of 18 December 2013 approving the National Transportation Development Programme 2014-2022. After the feasibility study was prepared, it was found that the capacity of the existing section Telšiai — Lieplaukė infrastructure does not correspond to the growing freight flows, the existing single track is old, deteriorated, the residents are adversely affected by the noise generated by rail traffic, it is necessary to reconstruct a dangerous one-level junction. The project “Building a second road on Telšiai — Lieplaukė” is one of the complex projects for the construction of second railway roads, the implementation of which will contribute to increasing the capacity of corridor IX B by destroying the “narrow” railway sites. The aim of the project is to reduce the time of rail freight transport on the TEN-T rail section Telšiai-Lieplaukė by improving the structural subsystems of the TEN-T rail system (infrastructure and trackside control-command and signalling subsystems). During the implementation of the project, it is planned to build a second railway track and modernise the existing railway track on the section Telšiai-Lieplaukė (17.22 km), to reconstruct the pedestrian viaduct through the railway, to build a viaduct of cars through the railway, to install a roundabout of cars, to install fencing from animals (about 22 km), to install sound suppressing walls (0.7 km), to restructure engineering networks and train traffic management systems.

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