Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 September 2021
End date: 31 August 2023
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 296 242,00 €
EU contribution: 87 013,50 € (29,37%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, yritys- ja alueosaston rakennerahastot ja koheesiopolitiikka -ryhmä

Agile and prosperous companies

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected companies in a number of ways. In particular, business sectors that are in direct contact with customers have been confronted with a changed situation when people’s gatherings and contacts have been avoided. The COVID-19 period has put companies in a situation where business has suffered and led to financial losses, has had to adapt and develop new services. The simultaneous development of work and well-being at work is needed in order to ensure the ability of companies and employees to change and operate in a changing environment. Innovative job development is a prerequisite for companies’ attractiveness and success in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the operating environment, changes caused by COVID-19 and development needs have put a heavy burden on entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs have, in principle, a number of load factors, some of which are caused by work and occupation and some of the stress factors caused by entrepreneurship, e.g. due to financial pressure and concern about the wellbeing of employees and their own wellbeing. Where work is particularly burdensome, such as during and after the COVID-19 outbreak, it is particularly important to pay attention to support for well-being at work, recovery from work and work capacity. An entrepreneur’s ability to work is the foundation of the company’s operations. In this project, entrepreneurs are offered support, guidance and training on how to recover from their own work, take care of their health and ability to work, especially with regard to supporting mental well-being. The target groups of the project are sole entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises and personnel in the North Ostrobothnia region. The target group’s field of activity is limited to companies that are known to have been particularly affected by COVID-19, i.e. tourism and catering, personal services and social and health care. Rehabilitation and well-being services. The aim of the project is to: 1) the development of work and well-being at work in companies at the same time, which improves impact and the measures become part of companies‘activities 2) support entrepreneurs’ resilience, work ability and well-being at work in a situation where the COVID-19 pandemic and insecurity increase the burden of work 3) promote companies‘competence to recognise the needs for changes in business operations in a rapidly changing operating environment, and 4) strengthen companies’ ability to change.  The project’s measures aim to support companies’ resilience to the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by simultaneously developing work and well-being at work. Supporting well-being at work is a cornerstone of the success of entrepreneurs and personnel, as well as the quality and productivity of business operations.  The mental well-being of entrepreneurs in particular has been and is still under test.  The measures of the project include: Measure 1: Enterprises promote the identification of business and skills development needs through a change dialogue method.    Measure 2: Companies are offered training on issues affecting the ability to change and risk management of the company, including the organisation of the corporate culture into an innovative and open interaction.  Measure 3: At the same time as measures 1 and 2, companies will be offered support, advice, guidance and training to promote well-being at work. Individual measures to promote the recovery and ability of entrepreneurs to work.

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