Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 August 2019
End date: 30 April 2022
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 380 159,00 €
EU contribution: 152 863,50 € (40,21%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, yritys- ja alueosaston rakennerahastot ja koheesiopolitiikka -ryhmä

Ability to work in the daily life of an entrepreneur in the social and health care sector — ways to manage the stress factors at work

A prosperous entrepreneur is the basis of a small business. 34 % of entrepreneurs operating in Northern Ostrobothnia felt that their own survival was an obstacle to the company’s growth. The starting point for developing solutions that promote well-being at work is the requirements and effects of the work and occupation, and the aim of the solutions is to promote work ability. The target group of this project is entrepreneurs in the care, rehabilitation and well-being sector. In the social and health sector (sote) entrepreneurs’ well-being at work is challenged not only by the recent debate on the serious shortcomings in the operation of large care companies in the care of the elderly, but also by the multiple burdens of work. The aim of the project is 1) to strengthen the well-being of social and healthcare entrepreneurs in Northern Ostrobothnia, 2) to increase the management of physical and psychosocial stress factors (including cognitive and ethical) at work, 3) to promote good work ability and literacy and 4) to promote the adoption of good solutions, especially in the smallest enterprises in the region. The project measures aim to develop and share concrete ways of managing the stress factors in the social and healthcare sector, thereby supporting the working capacity and coping with the ongoing changes in working life of an entrepreneur in the social services sector. Through the well-being of the entrepreneur and the employees of the company, the aim is also to improve the quality and productivity of the company’s services. The project measures include:1) Creating a network and starting operations- Entrepreneurs are invited to the network, as well as their stakeholders such as business associations, public health organisations, health and social services educational institutions and occupational health care services to support the well-being of entrepreneurs in the social and social services sector.- The network supports peer learning and peer support, especially for improving the well-being of self-employed persons at work. During the preparatory phase of the project, business associations have identified networking as relevant. The aim is to develop a cooperation network that will continue its work even after the project has been completed.2) Develop the smoothness and safety of the work of the entrepreneur and the company’s staff, as well as the management of physical and psychosocial stress factors in companies.- Ergonomics are understood in this project as a horizontal activity focusing on managing the physical and psychosocial stress factors of work in the workplace. The project uses an inclusive approach, which commits the various actors to co-operation and to the more permanent use of solutions. The project implements development activities in the workplace and produces ergonomics recommendations to support the working capacity of entrepreneurs in the social and social services sector.3) Training and creation of training materials- Training entrepreneurs and other members of the network for good working capacity literacy, work capacity and health promotion, and physical and psychosocial load management.- The project will produce educational material that can be used extensively to support entrepreneurs in the social services sector, their support network and vocational training. The project also disseminates existing health promotion recommendations for workplaces (https://www.ttl.fi/mars-matkalle-terveytta-tyopaikoille/).4) Communication to support the project’s activities and disseminate outputs through a communication campaign to highlight the relevance of issues related to the working capacity and well-being of entrepreneurs in the social and social services sector and suggestions for solutions, including through examples of entrepreneurs and their workplaces.The aim of the project’s network cooperation is to select different genders as equally as possible. However, the social and social services sector is dominated by women, in which case the project supports the well-being of women entrepreneurs in particular and thus the continuity of their business activities. The project aims to reach out and support in particular young and older entrepreneurs as well as single entrepreneurs. This project produces development solutions from the point of view of job and occupation requirements, impacts and load factors management for social and healthcare enterprises. The perspective is new and the project provides information on whether it is worth extending to other sectors to promote well-being at work.

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