The Social Services and Provincial Reform is a project aimed at modernising Finnish public administration, social services and health care services. The aim of this project is to transfer responsibility for the organisation of public health and social services from municipalities to be established in 18. The change is a major challenge for strategic human resource management, work ability management, managerial work, employee well-being and ensuring the quality of services. Prolonged change, perceived limited opportunities to influence changes in work, aging of personnel, work with a wide range of stress factors, morbidity, retirement and increased multiculturalism of staff combined with major social and health care change poses a test of well-being of health and social services professionals and poses major challenges to the skills of supervisors. All of this requires a strategic approach to human resource management in municipal organisations. However, the state of strategic human resources and work ability management varies considerably from municipality to municipality, and a lot has been found to be developed in such areas as objectives, measurement and monitoring of sick leave, accidents at work and disability pensions, identification of causes and preventive action, and managerial work. Change leadership has been identified as one of the most important areas for development. In addition, the need to involve customers as service development, co-producers and active users has been identified. Customer involvement creates conditions for higher quality customer-oriented services, smooth service chains and functional integration of services, which are key objectives of the social and social services reform. The project focuses on factors contributing to the successful implementation of social and healthcare change for management, employees and customers. The aim is to:1)Prepare the management and staff of health and social services organisations as active agents of change, support their skills and well-being at work, and create new forms of co-creation that are suitable for the social and social services sector.2)Support the compilation of effective management models and good practices in managing social and healthcare change.3)Develop network-based activities and cooperation so that good practices and operating models are spread and rooted both in the organisations involved in the project and in the whole municipal field, social services organisations and their networks. The project consists of three work packages aimed at meeting the objectives by focusing on different dossiers. Work Package 1 focuses on developing the strategic work ability management of social and health care organisations, work package 2 on developing community-based well-being and personnel skills, and on managing customer involvement. Work Package 3 focuses on the development of strategic human resource management and employer activities in change. It also supports the networking of all ESF projects under the priority axis and the exploitation of results at national and provincial level. Different perspectives support the management and implementation of change, which is promoted by national networking and communication work.