Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 April 2017
End date: 31 March 2020
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 1 576 536,00 €
EU contribution: 630 614,50 € (40%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, yritys- ja alueosaston rakennerahastot ja koheesiopolitiikka -ryhmä

YÖKE — Networks are effective for SOTE, support for work ability and health of people of working age

Finnish working life and healthcare are changing. This also challenges occupational health care to make its operations more effective and to support workplace well-being at work. Networking and cooperation create strong support structures for this. Occupational health care needs to be more effective with workers, workplaces and other social and health care and rehabilitation actors. At its best, occupational health care acts as a partner of the workplace, innovatively developing well-being at work and coping with work as part of occupational health and safety management systems, which increases productivity. In addition, influential cooperation with other social and health care and rehabilitation achieves longer working lives and prevents disability. However, cooperation with the workplace is not enough. Social and social care change is being built together with all actors. To date, the role of occupational health care in the change has been non-existent, although occupational health care is responsible for almost 2 million people in employment. In order to ensure cooperation, the role of occupational health care as part of the SOTE change needs to be developed and studied. Guidelines on the role of occupational health care, cooperation structures and regional operating models are needed. The aim of the project is to ensure the functional integration of occupational health care with other social and healthcare services, and to ensure that the SOTE transformation builds up effective health care for working-age people, which also meets the challenges of the future. The prerequisite is a well-functioning and smooth cooperation between occupational health care, other social and health care, and rehabilitation for the benefit of people of working age and support for workplaces. The main objectives of the project are:1)Building functional integration with occupational health and other social and health care and rehabilitation actors as part of the SOTE amendment 2)Developing the contents of occupational health care to meet the changing needs of working life and healthcare change.In addition, we will produce visionary future information on occupational health care using future research methods. The aim is to provide tools for SOTE decision-making and to jointly direct the future of occupational health care by exploring alternative futures, challenges and opportunities. The project will improve knowledge of the promotion of working life and work ability and ensure the smooth training paths of occupational health care specialist training in the new SOTE system. Network cooperation is built through process development and co-development. The project consists of two parts of the network. One builds occupational health care sub-networks to respond to changes in working life and health care, the other builds social and health care sub-network and focuses on working-age healthcare in cooperation between different actors. The latter is also intended to strengthen the role of occupational health care as an effective promoter of working-age workers’ ability to work and health, as well as as part of other social and health care and SOTE change. The development work is progressing in three cycles. In the first cycle, a network will be built in 4-6 provinces. In the second phase, the development work will be extended to the next 4-6 provinces, so that the third cycle will leave the national dissemination of development work. The development networks are also interlinked by sharing good practices. In addition, the national network, made up of responsible developers in each region, supports the change of SOTE and the definition of the role of occupational health care in it. The project will create developing occupational health care development networks that develop their own operations. In addition, the role of occupational health care as part of the SOTE change and other social and healthcare services will be clarified, for example, through concrete regional care chains. Occupational health care is also functionally integrated into SOTE by region. The information and good practices produced in the development network, both in occupational health cooperation and in coordinated activities with other social and health care services, will have an impact on occupational health activities.

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