Development of an integrated support package for enterprises in economic sectors with competitive potential according to SNC (September 2018) operating in West and North West Regions, as a result of which their employees will benefit from improved tools, methods, practices, standards and working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNCI/intelligent specialisation domains according to SNCDI. The general objective of the project is in line with Specific Objective 3.8: << Increase the number of employees benefiting from standard human resources management tools, methods, practices etc. in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNC/Smart Specialisation domains according to SNCDI >> related to investment priority POCU 8.v: < < Adaptation of workers, businesses and entrepreneurs to change >> thus participating in POCU’s Thematic Objective 8: < < Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility >>. Enterprises operating (directly or indirectly) from economic sectors with competitive potential according to SNC (September 2018), have an enormous growth potential, related to the courage and innovations and development initiatives that entrepreneurs are prepared to support. The economic potential of companies operating in economic sectors with competitive potential according to SNC (September 2018) is confirmed by both statistical data and development support strategies. From what is well known and from the statistical data, there is evidence of an increased attention of the population to health services/doctors and pharmaceutical products, which improve quality and life expectancy. For another aspect, it is clear that the success factor of enterprises in economic sectors with competitive potential according to SNC (September 2018) is related to their ability to know how to develop in relation to the expectations of potential users/customers and that achievable standards (with current resources) are still far from those that can currently be found on the market for healthcare services and products in the health sector. In macro-economic and socio-economic terms, the quality of health services and products (integrated with increased attention in food and pollution reduction) is a growth factor to which we can attribute the same importance as education. The health of the population is essential for economic productivity. From a labour market point of view, the development we can see in these years regarding SMEs in economic sectors with competitive potential according to CNS (September 2018) (combined with vulnerabilities of the health system, with the support of the actiu