Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 18 May 2008
End date: 17 May 2022
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 12 015 342,40 €
EU contribution: 10 213 040,80 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene
intervention field
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Rehabilitation of railway bridges located at km 152+ 149 and km 165+ 817 on the railway section Bucharest – Constanta phase II a

The main objective of the project is the rehabilitation of two railway bridges over the Danube, 2,554 km long, Borcea bridge located at km 152+ 149 and Cernavodă bridge located at 165+ 817 km on the Bucharest-Constanta railway line. The project is divided into two phases, of which phase II is the subject of the present financing application under the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme. The physical objectives of this project are: 1. Rehabilitation of Borcea Bridge, km 152+ 149, CF 800, Bucharest – Constanta, between Borcea and Ovidiu stations (county. Ialomita). The bridge has a length of 970 m and has the following configuration: — an access viaduct from Fetești with 3 openings (49.50+ 50.00+ 49.50)m (fetești pipeline) – the bridge itself over Borcea has 3 openings of 140 m each, an access viaduct to Ovidiu with 8 2x openings (49.50 + 2x50.00 + 49.50) m 2. Rehabilitation of Cernavodă Bridge, km 165+ 817, CF 800, Bucharest – Constanta, between Danube stations (county. Ialomita) and Cernavodă (county. Constanta) The bridge has a length of 1584 m and has the following configuration – an access viaduct from H.m. Danube with 17 openings 5x(60.40+ 60.90+ 60.40)m+ 2x68.50 m – the main bridge over the Danube having 3 openings (140+ 190+ 140) m – an access viaduct to Cernavoda with an opening of 68.50 m The new bridge over the Danube is located about 75-100 m upstream of the old Danube bridge, recommended by the hydraulic study. The Anghel Saligny – Old Danube Bridge is located on a simple line, the so-called III line between Danube and Cernavodă Pod stations. Total value (with VAT) of the project = 159 713 740.44 lei/36.537.736, Total value exclusive of VAT = RON 131,506.664.67/EUR 30.084.799, of which Eligible Value = lei/28,644,EUR 449. The total value of the project has changed compared to Addendum No 6/189/544/16.01.2017 to the POS-T financing contract because: — the VAT for phase II was updated, VAT decreased from the value of RON 28 806 863.49/EUR 6 590.150 to RON (according to the legislation in force), resulting in a difference of -599.787.72 lei/137.213eur – the amount of RON 595 653.27 in respect of the staff financial stimulus, which was calculated as follows, was introduced in the financial plan: RON EUR 59565327.26/13.626.769 (eligible costs according to the technological and financial phase-Add no. 6/189/544/16.01.2017) x 1 % = 595.653,27 lei/136.268, according to the Applicant’s Guide – Rail Infrastructure Development. Thus, by deducting VAT by RON 599 787.72,EUR 137.213 and the introduction of the financial incentive for staff in the amount of RON EUR 595653.27/136.268, results in a decrease in the total value of the project by 4.134.45 lei/946, and an increase in the total eligible value of the project by RON 595 663.27 compared to the eligible value of Addendum No 6. The project was phased, according to addresses

Flag of Romania  Ialomiţa, Romania