Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 April 2017
End date: 31 March 2020
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 5 953 189,70 €
EU contribution: 5 052 722,65 € (84,87%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski

Development services for entrepreneurs and employees of enterprises available under the Development Services Database

The project aims to increase the level of competitiveness and condition of 840 companies from the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship by providing them with the possibility of independent or supported choice of development services. The activities envisaged in the project are aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and their employees (3780 people, including 1512K/378 of low-skilled people, including 160K/416 people 50+, including 166K) and by using individual support pathways for individual enterprises (development advice) will enable the development objectives of companies (at least 60 % of those covered by the project) and the increase in skills and competences of their employees (at least 80 % of the project included). The target support will consist of reimbursement of part of the costs (depending on the type and characteristics of the company 50 %, 70 % or 80 % under de minimis aid/public aid) incurred costs of providing development services (exclusively offered by the Development Services Database or the so-called service exchange). Development services shall be understood as: training services, professional development services, other services (advising, coaching, mentoring, postgraduate studies, change projects, examination), e-learning. The comprehensiveness of the activities will be ensured by close cooperation between the Operator and entrepreneurs and by enabling as much access to the planned support as possible: contact different means of communication, i.e. telephone, helpline, website, e-mail, portal supporting electronic document circulation, direct contacts of mobile advisors, place and time of meetings tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs. The support offered is in line with the ‘Description of the Implementation of the Implementation System in JPAs for the period 2014-2020’. Implementation of the project is expected for the period 01.03.2017-31.03.2020.

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