The project will be implemented on the premises of the JPA. Its main objective is to increase the number of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that have achieved the development goal. Achieving the objective will increase the level of competitiveness and condition of West Pomeranian enterprises by giving them the opportunity to make their own choice of development services within the BUR offer, which best meets the company’s current needs. The choice of services only through BUR and writing to them after obtaining the support ID assigned to the support agreement. The actions envisaged in the project are aimed at 1000 SMEs and their employees (4200 persons including 2100K, 500 low-skilled people, including 250K, 1050 people 50+, including 525K) and through the use of individual support pathways for SMEs (development advice) will enable the development objectives of companies (at least 60 % of the projects concerned) and the increase in skills and competences of their employees (at least 80 % covered by the project). Support will be implemented on the principles set out in the Guidelines for the implementation of projects involving ESF funds in the area of adaptation of entrepreneurs and employees to changes for the years 2014-2020 and guidelines for competition no. RPZP.06.01.00-IP.02-32-K49/19, including min. Description of the implementation of the PSF in the framework of the RPOWZ 2014-2020 and will consist of reimbursement of part of the costs (depending on the type and specificities of SMEs 50 % or 80 % under de minimis aid/public aid) incurred costs of providing development services (only from the BUR offer). The comprehensiveness of the activities will be ensured through close cooperation between the Operator and the entrepreneurs and the possibility of wide access to the planned support. There are 3 tasks planned in the proposal: Task 1 – Development Advice, Task 2 – Implementation of development services, task 3 – Indirect costs. Implementation of the project is expected for the period 01.02.2020-31.06.2023.