Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 30 November 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 103 462 180,00 €
EU contribution: 87 942 856,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa Dolnośląskiego obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic

Development of entrepreneurship and supporting the low carbon economy through financial instruments in the Lower Silesian Voivodship

The subject of the project is the implementation of financial instruments in the form of loans and guarantees for the development of SME products and services, on the basis of the adopted Resolution of the Management Board of the Lower Silesian Voivodship No. 2799/V/2016 “Investment Strategy for the Financial Instruments of the ROP WD 2014-2020”. According to the Investment Strategy, support to final recipients will be provided in the form of microloans, loans and guarantees. They will finance the development of SME products and services, and in particular (according to the document “Detailed description of priority axes of the Lower Silesian Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020”) through financial instruments, the development and investment projects of enterprises (SMEs) will be financed, contributing to their competitiveness. Projects including the development/development of an existing enterprise, investments in production equipment, modern machinery and equipment leading to an increase in the scale of the company’s activity or an increase in the range of the company’s offer will be supported. Investments will also be supported to reduce harmful environmental impacts. The distribution of the project funds to the Subsidiary Recipients will be carried out through financial intermediaries (PF) selected by the Fund Manager (MFF). The selection of PFs will be based on open, transparent, proportionate and non-discriminatory procedures that do not allow conflicts of interest. The PF group of the project includes institutions such as: guarantee funds, loan funds, equity funds and banks, including cooperative banks. The established distribution network, based on cooperation with PF, will allow to reach all the areas of Lower Silesia voivodship relevant for the project. The final recipients of the support will be micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs – in the case of guarantees and loans and micro and small entrepreneurs – in the case of micro-loans.

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