The aim of the non-competition project is to develop a concept of a public service monitoring system (SMUP abbreviation) in the local government. The target groups of the system to be developed will be: 1. the trader; 2. institutions of general administration and other entities responsible for providing public services or supervising the fulfilment of these tasks; 3. Managing Authorities for Operational Programmes and Public Intervention Assessment Units; 4. the public; 5) Non-governmental institutions and the scientific community. The project was divided into 2 stages: Stage I – elaboration of the general concept of the system and its information scope, including: defining the substantive framework of the system, the areas of public services covered by the system, the identification of sources of power, consultations and substantive arrangements between the partners, the setting up of working groups for selected service areas, the definition of the timetable for work; Stage II – system design – elaboration of an executive concept describing the functional requirements of the system (from the production and transmission of primary data by the service provider, through download, processing and redistribution, to the use of result data for analysis and evaluation of the quality of services). Develop solutions in terms of system structure, methods, deadlines, sources of primary data supply, processing and sharing of aggregate information. Set requirements for IT tools and software, ways to obtain and control data, user interface design with the definition of its functionality, repository of good practices. The key objective of the project is to involve SMUP’s key stakeholders in the process of elaborating the substantive assumptions. The project will be implemented by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in partnership with the Central Statistical Office, the Union of Polish Cities, the Union of Polish Poviats and the Silesian Union of Municipalities.