Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2014
End date: 30 June 2020
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 103 823 030,00 €
EU contribution: 88 249 576,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerstwo obsługujące ministra właściwego ds. rozwoju regionalnego

Construction of the Olsztyn ring road within Dk No. 16

This project covers the construction of the Olsztyn ring road within 10.000 km length of the villages of Olsztyn, where the GP class road runs from km 0 + 000 to km 8+ 240, and the S road from km 8 + 240 to km 10+ 000 and is entirely located in a comprehensive network of TEN-T. 132+ 220 in the area of Kudypa to the west of Olsztyn. The end is located at the intersection with the designed S51 on the east side in the designed km 10+ 000. The planned bypass was designed as a western bypass of the city of Olsztyn. It runs south-east through the surroundings of Gronity and Naterki, and then Tomaszkowo runs eastward from the extreme districts of Olsztyn to Bartąg. The initial section of the route up to km 3+ 150 runs through the vast majority of the Kudypa Forest Management Board. Initially, the bypass runs along DK No. 16. In km 1 + 517.25 there is a turbine roundabout, which allows you to direct traffic towards Olsztyn existing dk No. 16. In km approx. 4 + 220.11 planned road will cross the tracks of the Poznań – Skandawa railway no.353. Next, the planned bypass from the north of Tomaszkowo crosses with dk No. 51, where in km 8 + 842.46 the “Olsztyn Południe” node was designed in class S (within this task). This junction is closely linked to the intersection of S51 and district roads DP 1370N and DP 1376N on the Tomaszkowo – Bartąg route. In the south-east part of the intersection is located the Road Maintenance Circuit. In a mile of project. 10 + 000 behind the “Olsztyn South” node has been set to end the task covered by the project. The section of the ring road up to km 10+ 000 runs through little urban areas, hills, local hills, agricultural land, forest land, wasteland, meadows and pastures.

Flag of Poland  Olsztyński, Poland