Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2014
End date: 15 December 2023
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 140 550 580,00 €
EU contribution: 88 696 740,00 € (63,11%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerstwo obsługujące ministra właściwego ds. rozwoju regionalnego

Protection against flooding of the Klodzka Basin with particular emphasis on the protection of the city of Kłodzka

The aim of the project is to improve flood safety for residential housing of the Nysa Kłodzkia valley with particular emphasis on the city of Kłodzka. The project is expected to provide flood protection of 1237 inhabitants (Mk) for floods p=1 %. The project is carried out within the framework of the flood protection project in the Oder and Vistula basin (POPDOW) and constitutes Stage I of the Project entitled. “Flood protection of the Kłodzka Basin” (component 2 POPDOW). Ultimately, the implementation of Stage I and Stage II will provide a total protection of approx. 6300 Mk. The project is part of the implementation of Priority Axis II “Environmental Protection, including adaptation to climate change” OPI 2014-2020: action 2.1 "Adapting to climate change, including safeguarding and increasing resilience to natural disasters[...], aimed at increasing the amount of water retained and improving the efficiency of identifying and responding to natural threats and major accidents. The action includes projects aimed at strengthening resilience to the risks associated with climate change and increasing the possibilities of preventing and responding to natural risks to which Poland is particularly exposed, i.e. floods and droughts. Compliance with the requirements of the Flood Directive and the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a prerequisite for the implementation of the OPs. The project is included in the PZRP for the Oder basin and does not cover activities which affect the failure to achieve the environmental objectives, within the meaning of the WFD, for the bodies of surface water and groundwater. It therefore meets the requirements of the Flood and WFD Directives.

Flag of Poland  Wałbrzyski, Poland