Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 22 September 2015
End date: 31 December 2020
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 19 851 459,61 €
EU contribution: 16 873 740,67 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Ministerstwo obsługujące ministra właściwego ds. rozwoju regionalnego

Strengthening water monitoring with regard to procedures to ensure and control the quality of measurements and assessments of surface water status and research, measurement and information infrastructure

The aim of the planned project is to provide the necessary organizational and technical capacity to ensure the quality and control of measurements in the water quality monitoring system in Poland, in accordance with the requirements of Directive 2013/39/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 August 2013. This main objective will be achieved through the following specific objectives: 1. lay down procedures to ensure and control the quality of measurements and assessments of surface water status with regard to: planning and updating measurement networks, quality indicators for environmental and chemical status assessments, confidence levels for water bodies (JCW) monitored and unmonitored, and comparative intercalibration of laboratory analyses of individual water quality elements. 2) Enhance the technical and organisational capacity of the research and measurement network by purchasing specialised measuring and research equipment to increase the scope and quality of measurements carried out in the framework of the implementation of the WFD and the new Directive 2013/39/EU extending the list of priority substances, as well as the development of a system for collecting and presenting water status data, including through the purchase and implementation of new IT tools. The investment and implementation part of the project includes the purchase of research equipment and equipment of HEI laboratories, which participate in the process of collecting, analysing and storing water samples taken at measurement and control points throughout the country. In the organizational and training part, a number of analyses will be carried out in the field of measurement and monitoring methodology, together with the necessary trainings. This will be complemented by promotion measures aimed at disseminating sources of knowledge about the state of the monitored water resources.

Flag of Poland  Trójmiejski, Poland