Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 11 February 2019
End date: 30 April 2020
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 42 048,04 €
EU contribution: 35 740,84 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerstwo obsługujące ministra właściwego ds. rozwoju regionalnego

Carrying out development work consisting of developing assumptions, functionality, algorithms and execution of the xway.online platform module for monitoring the food supply chain, medicines and other products requiring special conditions for their transport.

Reference number of the aid programme: SA.42799(2015/X), help_de_minimis: §42 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of 10 July 2015 on the granting of financial assistance by the Polish Agency for the Development of Enterprise under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020. The subject of the contract is a research and development service consisting of developing assumptions, functionality, algorithms and execution of the xway.online platform module supporting shipping lists together with the development of a mobile system for the acquisition of data from closed spaces for monitoring the food supply chain, medicines and other products. There is no comprehensive solution on the market to monitor the supply chain of products with the provision of: a. continuous temperature monitoring using mobile sensors, battery-powered, in many areas of the vehicle’s cargo space; B. Full – including automatic – use of bills (with the possibility of manual introduction into the system and reading them from customer back office systems); C. re-transfer of information on derogations in respect of the desired temperature profile, delivery time, loading and unloading sites and immediate alert notification of critical derogations. The planned solution will be used in monitoring the conditions of transport of goods – mainly food and medicines – and will be offered to companies operating in these industries. It will complement Inventia’s offer in the field of telemetry and telematics and will enable the company to strengthen its position on the transport market.

Flag of Poland  Miasto Warszawa, Poland