Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 November 2022
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: Cohesion Fund (CF)
Total budget: 1 719 687,33 €
EU contribution: 1 461 734,24 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene

Digitalization of the regional operator's water and wastewater infrastructure - smart metering

Increasing the degree of smart metering and digitization of Somes Water Company to optimize the operation of the water infrastructure owned by OR (including reducing water losses). Indicators of the general objective: 1 digitalised regional operator. Effects of the digitalisation of the regional operator:  Avoided water losses: 257.972.45 m3/year,  Environmental footprint avoided: 52,37tonnes CO2 equivalent/year.  more efficient use of the company's human resources, by reducing the number of meter readers by 10 people (which can be allocated to other company activities)

Flag of Romania  Cluj, Romania