The project “Enlargement of separate collection of municipal waste” proposed for financing at Ialomita county level has as general objective the realisation of investments for the extension of the separate waste collection system in Ialomita county in order to achieve a high level of recycling, both quantitatively but especially qualitatively, to increase the standard of living of the population at county level and to improve the quality of the environment, by complying with the provisions of the European acquis and the commitments undertaken by the environmental sector. The project aims to further develop the infrastructure for collecting waste at county level from the European funds for the 2014-2020 programming period, which is proposed for financing under the Operational Programme Large Infrastructure 2014-2020, Priority Axis 3 Development of environmental infrastructure under resource efficient management conditions, Specific Objective 3.1 Reducing the number of non-compliant landfills and increasing waste recycling preparedness in Romania, Operation A. Through the project will be purchased bins and containers for selective waste collection, as well as equipment for transporting separately collected waste, i.e. trucks and special vehicles, according to the Investment List in Annex 1 to the Technical Study related to the project. The investments proposed by the project meet the development needs identified in the liop – framework document, namely the extension and further modernisation of the existing infrastructure to meet the obligations of the Accession Treaty and the achievement of the targets stipulated in the national legislation and in the European directives in the field of waste. The project aims to promote investments in the waste sector in order to comply with the provisions of the European acquis and the commitments undertaken by the environmental sector, thus responding to the objective of the Operational Programme Large Infrastructure (POIM) 2014-2020 through Priority Axis 3 Development of environmental infrastructure under resource efficient management conditions, Investment Priority 6 – Investments in the Waste Sector, in order to meet the requirements of the Union’s environmental acquis and to respond to investment needs identified by Member States exceeding these requirements, Specific Objective (SO) 3.1 Reducing the number of non-compliant deposits and increasing the readiness for recycling in Romania.