The project is a response to the needs of the residents of the Commune and to the shortages, due to the locations in the rural area, in the accessibility to family support services, supported by the experience resulting from the implementation of the project “Development of social services in the municipality of Buczkowice”. The target group will be excluded, at risk of poverty or social exclusion and their surroundings 224 people, including adults 154 (80 K, 74 M) and aged (1-18) – 90 (48 K, 42 M) from the area of Buczkowice Municipality. OBJECTIVE: Increasing the availability and quality of social services to prevent poverty and social exclusion. Tasks: Extension of the offer of family support, including sociotherapeutic program, purchase of help and equipment, employment of specialists performing classes, psychological assistance also employing a family assistant. Period: from 1.1.2022 to 30.6.2023 Venue: Gops ul. Lipowska 730, Buczkowice